The Digital Public Sphere: nigeria Village Square: Online News And Its Impacts On Nigeria Democracy

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The Digital Public Sphere:

Nigeria Village Square: Online News and its impacts on Nigeria democracy

The Digital Public Sphere:

Nigeria Village Square: Online News and its impacts on Nigeria democracy


In the current era of global challenges where wars, ethnic and political upheaval and global warming issues are occurring in most countries of the world; scholars and public affair analysts have referred to internet and new media technology as the forerunners that are instrumental in facilitating this uprising. Scholars in the field of media and political science have engaged in various debate and discussion on the political impacts of the internet. Moreover, some post war critics have questioned the existence of public and even democracy in the era of technology determinism, with the proliferation of mass media and heightened mass media environment; while some scholars also fear that mass mediated culture is upturning the common man's ability to play his part in democracy.

Problem Statement

With the emergence of Nigeria-focused online citizen media, it has broadened the breadth and diversity of informational resources for Nigeria both at home and in the Diaspora. It has also initiated a sometimes perceptible intimidating and at the other time ambivalent relationship between the traditional, mainstream, media practitioners in Nigeria. It has developed the superfluity of exilic citizen journalists who increasingly seem to be building their legitimacy strength of their capacity to determine the credibility of traditional journalist in the homeland. Moreover, Nigerian online citizen media has lately been at the vanguard of instigating politically consequential discourses that have had and continue to have far-reaching implications for politics and governance in Nigeria.

Thesis Statement

Online citizen journalism in Nigeria has emerged as a prevailing idea dominating traditional and mainstream media.

Purpose of the Study

This endeavour and study will first and foremost be a descriptive study. The primary focus of the study will revolve around the impact of digital public sphere such as Nigeria Village Square on the democracy system and traditional media practises. It will also address the activities of such spheres and their effectiveness. The aim of this project is to identify and explore how developing democracies can build a solid democratic culture around an effective digital public sphere. This raises questions as to what exactly is this new digital public sphere. In what ways has digital media facilitated democracy and its companion elements such as information dissemination, political decision-making, democratic debate and deliberation? Also, what are the new cultural, social and political changes digital sphere has affected? What existing societal forces are disadvantageous to its development? Lastly, what strategies can be found to be instrumental in developing a fully effective digital public sphere in Nigeria, to serve as a model for global developing democracies?

Aims and Objectives

This study will address the possibilities if digital media has facilitated democracy and associated elements like information dissemination, political decision making, democratic debate and deliberation.

The study will also include cultural, social and political changes brought by digital public sphere.

The study will strive to understand societal factors that can negatively impact digital public sphere development.

Lastly it will discuss the strategies that can ...