The Demand Led-Capability & The Demand Technology Lifecycle

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The Demand Led-Capability & the Demand Technology Lifecycle

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The Discrimination between the Demand-Led Capability Lifecycle & the Demand Technology Lifecycle4

The Demand-Led Capability Lifecycle4

The Demand Technology Lifecycle4

The Interrelationships between the Two Life Cycles5

The Comparison of the Two Life Cycles6

The External & Interval Environmental Factors8


The Demand Led-Capability & the Demand Technology Lifecycle


Over the technology life cycle, there is a relationship between technology development and evaluation of performance improvements of consumers. In advance of a performance trajectories of technology, when consumer demand for performance matures, the innovation incentives of firms, the competitive threats' nature, and the character of life cycle maturity all change, in a demand-based perspective (Kim, 2003). Through the commercialization of new technologies, a new lens for assessing the prospects of achieving superior performance of firms is offered. Rather than towards improving the technology itself, if resources are directed towards affecting the demand environment, in innovation there may be higher return to investments, when demand for performance matures.


The Discrimination between the Demand-Led Capability Lifecycle & the Demand Technology Lifecycle

The Demand-Led Capability Lifecycle

Similar to that of the product lifecycle, different forms of technology go through a life cycle in accordance to Walters. The reliance of corporate capabilities on market demand is displayed by the lifecycle which is paralleled by a capability lifecycle. In comparison to the use of certain technology to deliver a value, the capability to deliver a certain outcome tends to become obsolescent (Rainbird, 2004). The core need is the basic function of calculation in accordance to the concept of the technology lifecycle. The amount of value-delivered offered by the value proposition and required by the market demand is illustrated by the upward trajectory of successive lifecycles.

The Demand Technology Lifecycle

With increasing performance, the willingness to pay increases, it happens due to the decreasing marginal utility and the effect of DMU from performance improvement is eventually plateaus by a willingness to pay which takes the form of a demand S-curve. Over time, the increasing willingness to pay is served by demand maturity or technology maturity. However, for performance improvements the effect of declining returns of performance to declining WPT and innovation effort. For the interpretation of the scope and incentives of further innovation activities, the nature of competitive threats, and the different stages of the maturity of technology, they hold distinct implications.

To create additional value the main barriers are the constraints on technology development that are often treated by discussion of technology evolution. Many settings are characterized by this treatment, and the maturity of technology trajectory before demand is assumed (Agarwal & Audretsch, 2001). For example, the rate at which resolution has improved has been out spaced by the printing equipment that enables complex and faster circuits and is used in the demand for increasingly finer resolutions and in the manufacture of semiconductors in the marketplace for photolithographic production apparatus. In the marketplace, the top presentation levels products are more expected to flourish, and the competitive priority is the maintenance of continued forward progress in such settings along the technology ...
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