The Dehumanization Of Art

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The Dehumanization of Art

The Dehumanization of Art


José Ortega and Gasset (1925) used the idea to portray the art of dehumanization in the early 20 th century, who, refusing the rules of romanticism and realism, the deconstruction of reality, and destroyed its humanistic foundations.

In the advent of a class of art all that is real, natural, and man is cleared in favor of a purely artistic elements, which, according to Ortega, really good. Dehumanization in the context of an aristocratic revolt against the industrial massification of culture, an attempt to break through to a higher form of civilization, waiting for the next concepts, and post-trans-humanization. This paper addresses the dehumanization of art in a concise and comprehensive manner.

Dehumanization of art: A Discussion

Rajan (1997) mentions that in art, as the critic demonstrates the technology, solutions of both humanizing and dehumanizing necessarily based on a vision of human nature. They relate to the notion of humanism, which likewise include an assessment of the nature and impact of science and technology. Thus, the concept of humanization and dehumanization Fail as the primary ethical concepts for the solution of science and technology, although they are often a popular figure in the discussions as a summary of presentations more fundamental point of view.

Cultural and philosophical concepts of human nature can even create an understanding to the humanization and dehumanization. For example, some philosophical anthropologies to provide the people of radically limited to death and futility. From this perspective, the dehumanization may occur when such restrictions are significantly altered or exceeded. Other interpretations of human nature is the individual as an independent person to do with the limitless possibilities. From this point of view, the introduction of voluntary or certain limits may be viewed as inhumane acts (Rajan, 1997).

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