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Business Administration with Specialization in Technology

Business Administration with Specialization in Technology

Career in Business Administration with Technology

Today we are living in the global village where distances are removed, and things are going to be complex on each passing day. To meet the challenges of twenty first century, research and specialization in all walks of life had introduced. In the past, there were only a limited number of professions which were catering services in all types of industries. Currently, there are as much educational programs as many industries. In this regard, the role of Business Administration is praiseworthy. Business Managers in the in a company are managing the human and capital resources, and for this they are taking strategic decision to meet the defined goals and objectives. Usually, business managers are engaged in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and budgeting of the company.

When a worker is hired on the basis of his/her skills against settled payment to fulfill the tasks is called he is doing the job. The first job is considered to be the start of career and the next decisions to do advance degree, applying, resigning are strategic decisions of individual for career development. Specifically, career the overall learning and working of an individual, it might be paid or unpaid. For smooth and suitable entry in the Business Administration requires individual to do Graduation or Diploma. All the Institutions and Universities are offering Business Administration with a number of specializations e.g. Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Hotel Management and so on. The scope and career in each specialization depends upon the interest and skills of the student. In this technology-driven world, specialization in Technology gives students a competitive edge. Students in this specialization learn spreadsheet, word processing, different applications and softwares which have high demand in the market. In addition, they practically work on data and electronic file management, computer programming, statistical, mathematical and financial applications. After completing coursework, students have a number of opportunities to set their career in diversified industries. Following are some major and relevant industries for the student of Business Administration with specialization in Technology (BAT)

1. Office Management

2. Computer application Manager

3. Project Management

4. Record Retentions

5. Basic Accounting and Bookkeeping.

6. Data Management.

7. Web Developer

8. Networking Manger

Social and Economic Characteristics of Profession

Since the very inception, American society had shown positive attitude towards the research, progress and technology. This is the reason today worlds' largest companies are either owned or operated by the Americans. These companies are highly technological and prefer to use technology in managing their day to day affairs i.e. security, attendance, machines and other office working. These all things are now part of our social structure which can be seen in every home and lifestyle of individuals. These all things create a huge demand of BAT graduates in the market. To fill this demand supply gap, almost all universities are offering different programs in Business Administration with specialization in Technology. Parents, career counselors and society members are encouraging students to take admission in ...
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