Task 3: Art Of Negotiating

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Task 3: Art of Negotiating

Task 3: Art of Negotiating


A. Negotiation is a process in which both the parties aim to settle on a point of commitment at which both the parties agree. There are many factors that play an important role in the process of negotiation. The thesis statement that has been adopted for this writing plan is that There is potential for misunderstanding between the two and there could be different interpretations of what is considered as fair play. There are many factors that arise in negotiation, be it a simple business transaction, a divorce or a complex international dialogue to gain a middle way. The main focus of this writing plan is to provide the main factors that play an important role in the process of negotiation and are supported by the research conducted by different scholars.

B. The thesis statement that has been adopted for this writing plan is that “successful negotiations are dependent upon the behavioral as well as psychological triggers of the negotiation process because an agreeable personality is crucial in communication, humans generally do not react well to criticism and cultural diversity will present challenges if not understood.”

This paper will be discussing the main findings and critical points of the thesis in relation to the process of negotiation that will further comply with the thesis statement presented above. Discussion

The discussion looks into the personal and social aspects that have been researched for more than thirty years. The discussion outlines how a negotiation is defined and the psychological structure it encompasses. This way an understanding is developed as to why both parties of the negotiation do not reach an agreement when they should have. The most significant factors that have been identified in the thesis are presented as follows.

Presumptions Matter

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