Taking A Stand

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Taking A Stand

Taking A Stand

Role As A Moral Agent For Patient Advocay (Moral Courage)

Patient advocay that needs nurses to support and protect their patients is one of the crucial issue that I have identified in certain healthcare organizations and I would like to play a role of moral agent for advocating moral courage to support and protect patients. Nurses, including me, sometimes face the situations that conflicts with our professional and personal morals. At times, speaking out for patients need us to represent moral courage, for example in case of conflictiong loyalties, in highly charged conflict scenerios, or in case the rights of patients are bieng violated. Therefore, I very much like to advocate the issue of moral courage demonstration by the nurses to support and protect patients.

Moral courage is basically the willingness to take stand for and act according to one's ethical beliefs if moral principles are violated or at least threatened, regardless of actual as well as percieved risks such as anxiety, stress, employmemnt threats, isolation from peers, and others. So, I would like to take stand for moral courage that requires to be demonstrated by nurses when they witness any improper behavior, even if the organizational constraints make doing the right thing complicated or unattainable. The reason why I like to advocate this issue is that these types of situations chllenge my sense of 'virtue', which makes me act in accordance with my ethical as well as moral principles. My moral courage is my virtue which guides me when action is needed, hence, emphasizes the role of character rather than performing one's duty for bringing about better consequences.

Negative Outcomes If The Role Is Not Fulfilled

Today's highly competitive and radically changing healthcare environment requires each and every healthcare professional to be more competent as well as ...
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