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Power and Responsibility


Cathedral by Raymond Carver

Ethics by Linda Pastan

Lies by John Crawford


Power and Responsibility


Failure and error are essential in the learning process. The true fulfillment, true success is not possible unless you have the freedom to fail. Only those who dare to fail miserably are able to realize dreams that are seemingly impossible. Beware of quick and easy shortcuts to the real power. To err is almost the only way to learn, we should change the word failure because of the word learning to improve or change. It should stop saying I am not guilty or I am not responsible, being responsible is the main approach to develop our power, power within us. Sometimes it is not about knowing the right answer; sometimes it is asking the right question. Be responsible, is in essence be practical, because only when one assumes responsibility for what happens in life can create the circumstances that change the world, your world changes only when you stop feeling a consequence of and decide the cause. (Curran, 310)

Power and Responsibility

An essential feature of democratic society is inseparable from the existence of the concept of power and the concept of responsibility. There is no power without responsibility in the exercise of power. The authenticity of a democracy is measured, among other standards, by this connection power-responsibility is one of the most effective limits for arrogance, arbitrariness and corruption of power. In deepening of democracy from its origins is oriented in such a linkage between real power and responsibility for the exercise of that power. If the power has a purpose, which, as Locke says, "is to make laws, uniting together and, respectively, penalties, and with a view to preserve the body politic ...” any deviation from the objectives set in motion the accountability mechanisms. (Harbaugh, 370)

“With great power, comes great responsibility"

But still many feel responsibility as burden for them and sometime take it as a pain, curse them that it could be something else. So whenever these people are given up with any responsibility, they feel that they are in trouble now and can't cope up with it. But always want to be in power. (Bendis, 3)

Cathedral by Raymond Carver

Raymond Carver is talking about a “dirty realism”where Raymond Carver is one of its exponents. And it really is defined as the genre read Raymond Carver largely complies with the definition. One of the arguments behind this form of writing is precisely that lack of significant events in the story, not just frames, not significant, but the incredibly of human characters and without any action dilemma or situation highlights the author's literary quality. It's like telling the reader that if I remove memorable characters, extreme situations without heroism, without passion and fill the world of routine in normal gray extreme characters then you cannot get good stories where you can see the versatility of the author. In principle yes, but only few can be good for this style of minimalism and get a story that retains ...
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