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Every individual has their own perception towards life and different aspects of life, depending on their experiences. One of such most common and widely spoken aspect, which is common for everyone, is “success”. There are various definitions, which define success, but every definition differs from other. The reason is that every person has his or her own view and perception of “success” depending on how people perceive it. There is no possibility that any two people can have same experiences and perceptions in life, and this is why every person can have their specific views about a perspective like “success”. I too have my own ways of defining success; to me success is the continuous struggle that keeps a person running after it and never let a person satisfied. Success is just the illusion and fantasy that only one can see who do not have it.


In order to understand the real meaning of success, it is easy to start with what the common definition or standard of success is followed all over the world. Wealth and fame are the two most acceptable standards set to define success. Driving most expensive car, living in the house like dream castles, and money that can buy anything is one standard. Second image of success is stardom and fame with thousands of fans to welcome, and people trying any means to have only one look of a magnificent personality. This is what most people from all over the world; consider success, but most important aspect is that whenever these people asked question about their success they have different definitions and examples of success and none of these people ever considered them successful.

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