Strategic Marketing Assignment.

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Strategic Marketing Assignment.

Strategic Marketing Assignment

Part 1


The case study focused on the strategic management of Toyota. The success could be caused by the their strong R&D because nowadays market is changing rapidly, without a proper tracking system for the demand of customer, then businesses will not be able to satisfy customer and lead business sales to be dropped. The case study was a group assignment which required group collaboration in carrying out the research and analysis. This section will identify the main findings of the study, how we worked, what we learnt and how we tacked the issues during the assignment.


This section covers the situational analysis of Toyota. The data is gathered by the secondary analysis through online libraries and journals.

The Issues and How they were Resolved

During the assignment group faced numerous issues including:

1.Relevant data collection

2.Inclusion and exclusion of the content

3.Analysis and interpretation

4.Managing the group responsibility and tasks

Firstly, the most significant issue was to ensure that the data most relevant to the case study is collected, for this purpose, the articles were selected that were recent and that focused on strategic management of Nokia and Samsung. Beside, the analysis and interpretation of the secondary data required expertise so that exact information is shared without being manipulated by the group. The interpretation was done carefully and sources were cited giving authenticity to the assignment. The most significant aspect of this cases study was to allocate the tasks among the group so that the activities are equally divided among the group members. This involved setting the individual targets for example, assigning data collection to some members and interpretation to others. Such management kept the risk of conflict of management away and the members focused their skills to the specified tasks. For, managing the group, leadership was imperative. Creating and communicating vision has to be done with passion, assertiveness and clarity. The ability to transmit and receive information in a useful form is often taken for granted. However, if the leader can effectively carry some of the aforementioned goals will gain more ground even if you send and receive messages clearly. Objectivity is the ability to see problems in a rational, impersonal and impartial. Objectivity is an extension of perception. Where perception creates an awareness of the facts, events and other realities, objectivity helps the leader to minimize emotional and personal factors that might obscure the perception of reality

Situational Analysis

Toyota is the leader in the automobile industry which manufactures the automobiles on the basis of “the Toyota way philosophy”. The company has been successful due to its effective management strategy but the changing environmental factors impacted Toyota as well beside other large corporations. Toyota uses its strength to avoid the threats in a way as the company has strong brand equity and an optimized production facility. The sharp control and evaluation methods allow for a through environmental scanning, and the supply chain relationships are strong which avoid the risk of high bargaining power of ...
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