Stephen Toulmin And Carl Rogers' Unique Rhetorical Approach To Making An Argument

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Stephen Toulmin and Carl Rogers' unique rhetorical approach to making an argument

Stephen Toulmin and Carl Rogers' unique approach to making an argument


Three Strikes Laws

Law enforcement agencies have started to term the three strikes as inappropriate law that has failed to deliver as promised. The failure of this law can be understood from the example, that this law has posed life term punishment as obligatory without examining the criminals that were punished for particular crimes (Fitzpatrick, 2003). In addition to this, legal experts have claimed that primary structure of three strikes law is based on old principles and this is another major reason of its ineffectiveness.

Meanwhile, followers of this acts argues that this act is formulated after conducting in-depth research on increasing criminal activities, however, bitter reality is that this law has nothing new, for instance, several states comprises of criminal that despite of various warnings have continued their illegal activities. However, according to three strikes act criminal that have committed severe crimes are illegible for life imprisonment sentences and in United States of America the most severe crimes are considered as homicide, murder, and others.

Moreover, a follower of the three strikes laws argues that country would witness comprehensive decline in occurrence of violent crimes after the implementation of this act. However, reality is that these violent crimes are normally committed in pace of anger, or under influence of alcohol and severe punishment is not capable enough of reducing the anger, hatred, and use of alcohol in the society (Johnson & McGunigall, 2008). Thus, based on the above discussion it could be concluded that three strikes laws are nothing but a mixture of trial and tested methods that has been use by several government authorities during the regime but has failed to reduce the increasing percentage of criminal activities.

Pros and cons of death penalty

Death sentenced or death penalty that is also known as the capital punishment is considered as the pre-planned strategy of government to take the lives of criminals that are responsible for spreading fear and tension in the society (Shepherd, 2002). However, majority of social service organization and others have termed capital punishment as definite rejection of human basic rights to live. Some of the pros and cons of death penalty are described as follows.

Pros of death penalty

Death penalty respects the self-esteem of humankind by treating innocent victim as a liberated ethical performer that has ...