Statistical Report

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Crazy Johnny's M-Tone: Statistical Report

[Name of the Student]

Executive Summary

This report aims to explore the requirements depicted by Mr. Jones for enlightening the level of satisfaction representing customers. The data extracted from 200 randomly selected customers was analyzed in this report via the implication of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The results obtained from descriptive statistics revealed that the target market of the company range from the age segment of 18-22 years. In addition, the presumptions of Mr. Jones were fulfilled as the customer were downloading more than 10 ringtones and spending more than $30. However, the analysis revealed that the satisfaction level of customers was neutral as the customers were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Therefore, it is recommended to Mr. Jones that the company must adapt effective strategies to enhance customer satisfaction level as the correlation analysis illustrated that there is significant relationship among customer satisfaction level, frequency of downloads and expenses encountered by customers. Hence, if level of satisfaction is increased, customer would spend more by downloading excessive number of ringtones as compared to the forecasted number.

List of Contents

Introduction of the Scenario4

Facts to be explored via Analysis4

Detailed Report6

Descriptive Analysis6

Analysis via the Implication of Correlation13

Graphical Analysis15

Concluding Remarks18


Crazy Johnny's M-Tone: Statistical Report

Introduction of the Scenario

The core objective of this report is to analyze the scenario presented by Crazy Johnny's M-Tone and prescribe effective recommendations on the basis of outcomes extracted from the data. Crazy Johnny's M-Tone is one of the leading ring tone provider firms that operate in the saturate market of ring tones. Despite the minimal chances of growth, Crazy Johnny's M-Tone has attained a substantial market share due to their quality of content, features and price offered to the customers. Crazy Johnny's M-Tone provides price diversity in its product offerings which can be considered one of its key success factors.

After one year of inception, the owner of the firm aims to review customer satisfaction level of the firm for which he randomly formulated study sample of 200 customers. Nonetheless, none of the staff members at Crazy Johnny's M-Tone has statistical background. Hence, Mr. Jones approached DECS for the analysis of data gathered from the randomly selected sample. There are diverse statistical techniques that can be used to extract reliable outcomes from the data presented by Mr. Jones. However, this report will present the analysis in light of descriptive statistics, graphical analysis and correlation among the study variables.

Facts to be explored via Analysis

There are several facts that can be explored from the scenario prescribed by Mr. Jones. According to Mr. Jones, even after one year of inception, satisfaction of Crazy Johnny's M-Tone's is still uncertain. Mr. Jones requires the analysis to be aimed at exploration of customer satisfaction in terms of content and quality offered by Crazy Johnny's M-Tone. Nonetheless, Mr. Jones wants the analysis to enlighten the usage pattern depicted by the customers. According to the presumption of Mr. Jones at time of company's inception was that each customer would download 10 ringtones and spend ...
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