Sport, Gender, & Development

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Philosophy of Research in Sport Policy

Philosophy of Research in Sport Policy


In historical terminologies, the ideology that participation or involvement in any sport has some definite usefulness can be mapped out to the mid-nineteenth century of United Kingdom. The reformers of middle-class in the fields of urban welfare and education started to develop the ideology that participation in sport, properly directed, could be helpful by means of developing character, teamwork, fair play, work discipline, other characteristics that are socially approved.

However, sport started to be vindicated in education i.e. (organised games and physical education), in detention centres of youth, and by urban agencies like YMCA, for affecting the behaviour and character of participants. These ideologies rapidly spread to other fully-developed and high-income countries; even though, they became part of the colonization system, where the tradition of British games was often relocated to colonised populations.

Emphasis on the Approach of Human Rights

In this research study, the literature review will draw attention towards the work of the 'Right to Play' in order to achieve the development goals of the millennium. Thus, even more essentially, the literature review will demonstrate the ways in which for the achievement of fundamental human rights, sport is required to be implicate.

The right to equity on the basis of gender is founded in 1948 by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Also, gender equity is the subject of a particular UN Convention that was made for the elimination of every sorts of discrimination against women.

Sport, play, and physical activity are recognised particularly in the above mentioned convention in order to provide support for the progressively well-known right for participating in physical activity and sport. The 'basic right' for participating in sport and physical education was proclaimed in the year 1978 by UNESCO Charter of Sport and Physical Education. Regardless of the latest attacks on the implementation and basic nature of human rights, we are persuaded that an approach that is based on human rights to this literature review seizes the intention of the researchers, the contractors, and the infinite mainstream of the reviewed literature.

Multi-disciplinary Resources of Research

Reviewing numerous resources of data from distinctive disciplines of study affords specific benefits by means of building evidence, and triangulation for determining the accurateness of claims. Thus, there are also some demerits by means of the data comparability. Various academic disciplines, and even distinctive perspectives of some disciplines, make assumptions that are distinctive in measurement, in data meaning, in the research methodologies, and by means of their definitions.

Generally, for the reasons to this reviewing, the advantages from different data resources are considered from different disciplines of study. Possibly, the greatest concerning area lies in the term used, and the distinctive meanings specified to particular concepts in the various academic disciplines.

Criteria to Identify the Best Practices

Selection of interventions and programs regarding 'best practices' are found upon consistent, predetermined, and carefully selected criteria, which are as follows:

Scale - the sustainability and size of the ...
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