Sport Event And Its Influence On International Tourism

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Sport Event and Its Influence on International Tourism

Sport Event and Its Influence on International Tourism

Title of the Event

The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games

Olympics 2010: Discussion

The Twenty first Olympic Winter Games or the Winter Olympics were a major and one of the largest multi-games events in the history of Olympics. The events planned were held from 12th of Feb 2010 to 28 of Feb 2010 in Vancouver in the state of British Columbia, Canada. It is estimated that more than 2500 athletes from more than 80 countries participated in more than 90 events in 15 disciplines. The huge event was planned and organized by VANOC (Vancouver Organizing Committee) and was the third Olympic games hosted in Canada and the first in British Columbia.

When a country is chosen to be a host of any great sporting event such as Olympic Games or World cups, most of them begin to rejoice for the purpose and cause of a national pride. First, thought of their nation to be a part of media`s attraction for several weeks and generate a feeling of a great excitement and a joy. Secondly, the economic and social benefits in the name of tourism can be achieved for hosting such events. In addition, the actual winner is the tourist industry that plays a part in organizing and accommodating the people or the audience that come from multiple countries to watch the event. The industry not only generates a huge amount of revenue, but will also create a marketing publicity for the country and the forth coming year.

According to CTC (2010), the Vancouver Winter Olympics attracted hundreds and thousands of foreign tourists to visit and witness the greatest event of 2010. Furthermore, Australian and British tourist came in such a pattern that outran the average figures by double, and the ...
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