Socrates' Apology

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Socrates' Apology


The research paper aims to highlight the theoretical aspects of Socrates Apology. It starts by giving an introduction to the concept of Socrates apology and later highlights its significance in history. The paper also throws some light about what people have said about Socrates apology and what it really shows as a part of the history. It also pays considerable attention to what Socrates accusers had to say.



Greek philosophy4


Socrates' Philosophy4

Trial of Socrates5

What people have to say?5

Historical significance7




Greek philosophy

In the sixth century BCE, ancient Greek philosophy surfaced and journeyed through the Hellenistic period. At that point in time, the Ancient Greece was submerged with the Roman Empire. The ancient Greek philosophy revolves around several subjects including metaphysics, ethics, logic, biology, political philosophy aesthetics and rhetoric. Since its inception, Greek philosophy has influenced and affected Western way of thinking. Plato presented that Socrates influenced subsequent philosophic tradition (Plato and Smith, 1852, Pp 1-28).

Pre-Socratic philosophy

The Milesion School: Thales of Miletus was regarded as one of the first philosophers who held the view that all things originate from water. Amongst his major achievements were the prediction of eclipse and teaching Egyptians how to measure the height of pyramids (, 2010).

Xenophanes: The philosopher argued that every phenomenon is backed by a natural explanation rather than divine explanation. He also emphasized on the fact that there is only one God. Though his presumptions had no scientific backing and his ideas were regarded by many as foolish (, 2013).

Pythagoreanism: The major emphasis was on reconciling religious belief and reason and was therefore regarded as rationalist (, 2010).

Heraclitus: He was against the philosophies presented by the above two philosophers as he stated that learning cannot teach a man to think. He also argued that everything is in flux or movement (, 2010).

Sophistry: Opposition of nomos and physics gave rise to sophistry. It stated that the law will continue to vary from one place to the other, but the rules of nature cannot be altered and they will continue to be constant forever (, 2010).

Discussion of ancient Greek philosophy and its background is pivotal in determining Socrates' philosophy and understanding the dynamics of his apology.


Socrates' Philosophy

In 5th century, BCE Socrates was born in the city of Athens (Fagan and Russon, 2009, Pp. 16-33). At that time, Athens was a place where philosophers traveled intra Greece to reach geometry, cosmology, rhetoric and the like. Socrates is believed to be the one who has from heavens brought philosophy down to our planet and have introduced it into the family trees by bringing it into cities in order to examine morality of life and good and evil. His main concern was gaining an understanding of the virtue by adopting a question and answer type approach. Although he himself claims that he himself is oblivious of what courage is.

Trial of Socrates

The trial took place in 399 BC. Socrates had to defend himself ion two charges: impiety and corrupting the ...
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