Should The U.S. Congress Ban All Human Cloning ("reproductive" And “therapeutic” Cloning)?

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Should the U.S. Congress ban all human cloning ("reproductive" and “therapeutic” cloning)?

Should the U.S. Congress ban all human cloning ("reproductive" and “therapeutic” cloning)?


The main agenda of this paper is Should the U.S. Congress ban all human cloning?. Human cloning can be defined as the formation of a human who is similar and alike in hereditarily terms. It is considered as one of the most debatable and divisive matter in the field of medicine. Reproductive cloning has to do with formation and creation of human or animal possessing the same genetic characteristics as utilized in this technology. Therapeutic cloning is referred to as utilization or cloning of cells from one human in order to use it in formation of a medicine or medical experiment such as transplantation of human organs or cells. Human cloning have highlighted the unethical aspects of human cloning focusing in the safety issues and life and security of those who are being experimented and involved in the procedure. There are about fifteen states in USA that have implemented laws regarding banning human cloning since 1997 i.e. artificial pregnancy. These laws apply to all three types of cloning and also prohibited on the utilization of funds by research firms in this regard. However, there are few states in USA that are still exercising cloning for research purposes


Human cloning can be defined as the formation of a human who is similar and alike in hereditarily terms. It is considered as one of the most debatable and divisive matter in the field of medicine. It is also referred to the forming or duplicating of a human in an artificial way. One of the most common forms of cloning is formation of similar twins and the whole of the procedure of cloning taking place within the normal process of reproduction. Medicine and Science has so far discovered two types of cloning up till now, which are therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning (Pattinson, S. D., 2006). Human Cloning has been a debatable issue and majority of scientists and physicians of the American Association for the advancement of Science and Medical American Association have raised opposing views and statements against human cloning and particularly reproductive cloning. In addition, the US Congress has issued set of rules and legislations with respect to banning human cloning procedures (, 2008). The issue gained the attention of public and medical ethical issues since 1997 at the birth of the cloned sheep named Dolly. However, these are the scientists that support the concept of human cloning as well that utilizes the human cells left after fertility treatments or utilizing the cells of already dead patients, etc as a means of combating critical diseases (AAAS, 2007).


Reproductive cloning has to do with formation and creation of human or animal possessing the same genetic characteristics as utilized in this technology. This technique is mainly utilized for those deprived or needy couples who do not conceive a child via natural process. Therapeutic cloning is referred to as utilization or cloning of ...