Service Enconter

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Service Encounter

Service Encounter


Customer satisfaction is an outcome of customer expectations and perceived service quality. The level of customers' satisfaction is determined by what customer expects and the performance of the company. The success of a business depends on its ability to create a satisfied customer. In a globally competitive world, firms have to satisfy their customers in order to survive in the business environment. Customer satisfaction is closely related to the quality of the service provided to customers. In this paper, an analysis of a video about customer relation is given. What has happened in the video, what was wrong and what should have happened has been discussed in this paper.

Video Selected

The video selected for this report is a customer training video. This video can be viewed in the following link:

The Problem in the Video

In the video, the scene of a hotel has been shown. The video starts at a reception area where a customer is unhappy and arguing with the receptionist. The woman has booked a room at the hotel but according to the receptionist, there is no record of her reservation. The woman asks to see the manager. The general manager is, however, reluctant to come and deal with the problem himself and ask the receptionist to deal with the problem herself. Upon the insistence, of the receptionist the general manager reluctantly agrees to come and solve the problem. This video shows that the manager instead of hurrying at the problem scene slowly walks towards it. While, on his way, he come across one of his customers who asks for his help abut instead of helping him, he says he will send a bell boy if he finds one. The video shows that the manager instead of fulfilling his responsibilities and assisting the customers is rude to them especially the one in the wheel chair. While the woman, at the front desk, is treated in a memorable way as she is beautiful and the manager tries to flirt with her. The behavior of the manager in this video is unprofessional and wrong.

Analysis of the Scenes Selected

Following are the three scenes selected from the video for the analysis.

The Woman at Front Desk

The woman at the front desk waits a long time for the manager to reach the front desk so that she can talk to him. While, the manager takes all of his time as he was reluctant to solve the problem. The video shows that when the receptionist calls him with the concern of the woman, the manager is reading a newspaper but tells the receptionist that he is very busy. This shows that, for the manager, it was more important to read the newspaper then to satisfy a customer. Furthermore, when the manager reached the front desk and saw that the woman was a beautiful lady, his manner changes completely. He acts as if helping her is his first priority and tries to flirt with her. When the receptionist tells him that there is ...
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