Self Reflection Paper

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Self Reflection Paper

Self Reflection Paper


Conflict is a healthy and even normal part of the relationships. In any case, two or more people are not anticipated to have the same opinion all the times on the same things. As the conflicts like social, relationship or group, are predictable, foreseeable and learning to handle them in a hale and hearty manner is essential. When the conflicts are messed up, they can damage the relationships.

However, when they are handled in a positive and reverential manner, the conflicts gives opportunities for the growth and ultimate intensification the link among the people. Successful conflict resolution is required with learning the skills, so that the people can keep their professional and personal relationships growing and strong. From the differences and variances the conflicts arises.

Conflicts happen whenever the people differ over the perceptions, values, desires, ideas, or the motivations. At times, these variances look inconsequential and insignificant however when a conflict activates brawling feelings, a profound relational and personal desire is at the core of the dilemmas. This is a desire to feel secure, and protected, a desire to feel valued and respected, and/or a desire for the superior intimacy and closeness.

The conflicts are a component of daily life i.e. they appear in the close relations of people at local as well as global level (CRS, 2013). In addition, usually it is observed that conflicts lead to hostility, aggression and war. However, the conflicts can also be a springboard leading to the wisdom and change if the people learn to deal them fruitfully.


Analyzing Conflicts

In this paper, several methods will be presented that will be used in order to analyze the conflicts. All these methods are centered on analyzing the conflicts however each from a diverse perspective. The first part is the resolving of a conflict and in order to do so a clear definition of the conflict is required. Second part is that how the conflicts tend to grow which is the most significant step to understand.

This will lead to the conflict escalation process, which will express the different steps of how a conflict goes through when it goes up. The last tool which is analytical in analyzing the conflicts is the dimensions of conflicts (Vestergaard, et al. 2011). This is the comprehension of how a conflict can be separated into five diverse dimensions. To comprehend in which dimension or dimensions, a conflict is present, it is a very practical tool for resolving the conflicts.

Definition of a Conflict

It is significant to distinguish and differentiate between the conflicts and disagreements. Most of the people are proverbial with the experience of having been element of an active discussion on a topic where the dissimilarities of opinion were very huge.

It is possible to go away from such a discussion with a discriminating sense of being sustained in an original position or having conventional new imminent and possibly reevaluated or changed original position of someone.

The major difference between the conflicts and disagreements is that when tow individuals are having a disagreement or ...
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