Self Assessment About Team Work During Clinical Placement

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Self Assessment about Team Work during Clinical Placement

Self Assessment about Team Work during Clinical Placement

Stages of Group Formation

The efficient and successful teamwork is necessary for the deliverance of the health care services to patients in any health care system. In order to give the positive and prompt impression on the safety issues of the patients, the development of the team is the imperative part of the job (MNH, 2013). As the nurse students, the distribution of our batch took place. At the formation stage, our supervisor introduced us to the RN and EN of the hospital. At orientation, the nursing team explained the role of nurse at different levels and their respected responsibilities in the provision of safe care. They described the initial services to provide according to the ethical, moral and legal standards.

Each nurse student was allocated to the different ward for five days. My ward was orthopaedic surgical ward, where I took care of the patient for five days. According to the second stage of the group development, all the members discussed the policies related to work before going to their assigned wards. Norming facilitated the storming as the nurse students knew the objectives of practice and performed the tasks in the effective way.

Group Dynamics

The teamwork, communication and collaboration among the workers of a group are significant in the health care system. The healthcare team comprised of the physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health care providers (Laura, 2002). The nurse students are part of them. The role of clinical educator was helpful in explaining the different concerns in the ward. On the other hand, there are some nurses who were not willing to guide us. This sort of behavior was not good as it was interfering in our learning process.

Qualities of Associate Nursing Manager and Buddy

The buddy and the associate nursing manager possessed the good qualities. They were very helpful and supporting. They listened to their staff`s concerns and tried to give them the appropriate solution. They used to communicate with us and explained the reports, verbal orders and recommendation of the clinicians. In both the placements; acute care and rehabilitation; the buddy assisted us in the practical setting. The number of students was more; therefore, often I faced difficulty in contacting him. However, the buddy had provided us the learning environment in the clinical premises. Moreover, he also maintained the competent, careful and safe environment for the patients (Biggs & Schriner, 2010). In this regard, he provided the policies and guidance to us at each step.

Process of Delegation

The process of delegation enhances the performance of the workers without the loss of time and resources (NCN, 2011). The process of the delegation was according to the practicing scope of the nurse. The nurse gave the handouts and described the whole procedures and policies. She explained the procedure to give the nursing service to the particular patients. Nurses gave us the demonstration regarding every policy and procedure that we had to practice. They scheduled the demonstration of the policies ...