Same Sex

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Same Sex Argument

Same Sex Argument


Same sex relations or marriages are an emotional and physical bond between people of the gender. When a man devotes his personnel love and physical attachment desire to share his sex life, emotional feelings and privacy with a man they are called gay. Similarly, when a woman shows her passionate desire and will to share her physical sex activities and emotional bonding with a woman they are called lesbians. Bi - sexual are those people who are attracted towards both the genders sexually in terms of their physical relations. They get into a relationship without discrimination of same or opposite gender. Trans sexual are those people who although belong to a certain gender physically are emotionally more inclined to act as the opposite gender. These four kinds of the human race join to group of people known as the same sex people.

The evolution of the same sex relations began from as early as 1920s and 1930s from the city of Berlin. Soon after World War 2 the issue of homosexuality or same sex had spread in the regions of North America and Europe. In the 1960s and 1970s state level precautions were taken to discriminate and discourage same sex relationships. According to the latest survey of 2011, 53% of the American population is in support of the same sex relations and marriages. (Antle, 2012).

The argument of the same sex relations is very common and differing. People have either conservative or liberal thinking about this topic. People who support this cause have different grounds to defend the topic. Their thinking is influenced by liberal social and emotional reasons. However, this paper will argue against the relationships of the same sex. The reasons will be defined under the social, religious, health and futuristic values associated with humanity.


Negativities of Same sex


Since the evolution, of mankind people follow a certain religion and have their religious believes about the presence of God. The popular religions of the world include Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Jews and Hinduism. Without getting into the detailed preaching of any of the religions, the common elements of each religion include the fact that God has created two kinds of animals one from the masculine gender and the other from the feminine gender. The concept of creating opposite genders in all creatures was to have reproduction through sex (NeJamie, 2012).

The human being is a social animal who lies in the category of mammals. The mammals reproduce their next generation by having sex with the opposite gender. Every religion supports the cause of having children by legal reproduction when a man gets sexually involved with a woman. The biological transfer of cells takes place, and a child is born. When a community goes against the lines defined by religion it actually goes against the will of God.

The relations in which same sex people get involved can bring pleasure to them, but they are opposing the will of nature. Whenever, a system of nature is not followed it brings ...
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