Role Of Culture In Marketing

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Role of Culture in Marketing

Role of Culture in Marketing

Culture is an important aspect that should be considered by the companies and people doing business. Moreover, it should be made sure that the marketers consider culture when planning for new businesses and markets. For the same reason, it should be made sure that the new ways for marketing that consider culture are adopted so that the companies can make sure that whatever steps they are taking for marketing their products is done in the right manner. In addition to this, keeping in view the changing world and the way of doing business, marketers have to ensure that they consider culture as an important aspect in the field of marketing. Culture is one of the most important considerations in today's global world.

The difference in cultures is the major difference why the international marketing fails. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the marketing plans are formulated in such a manner which will prove to be helpful for the company and will ensure that the marketing plan is successful and will help in attracting more and more customers (Yoon & Lee, 2005, pp. 6-9). There exists a difference between the cultures of people living in different countries, thus the manner in which marketers market a product differs. It should be made sure that the people living in a specific culture are targeted according to their own culture which will ensure that they are attracted and that the company is able to gain advantage and profits out of it.

There are a number of reasons why culture should be considered by the companies for their business plans. A detailed analysis can be carried out by assessing the macro environment which is discussed below:

The differences in the political and legal structure are the main reasons why many marketing fails. There might be cases where the political structure might allow a certain company to do business legally; however, the same business might not be allowed in another political setting. A very common example of this situation is that the business of selling alcohol is allowed in the Western countries; however, it is prohibited in the Middle East and in the Muslim countries (Kealey,, 2006). This difference is due to the difference in religions; however, religion is also a very important part of the political and legal structure of a country. The second reason why international marketing fails in different political situations, is because of the political instabilities in the country. Every other day the country is experiencing a political turmoil, and the businesses are suffering. It is important that the political and legal structure of the country is studied and analyzed to avoid failures (Srnka, 2004, pp. 3-18). The political situation of every country is different. Although, one thing that should be noticed that at regional levels different political parties often argument and fight with each other. These frequent fights often create chaos and difficult law and order ...
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