Response To Intervention (Rti)

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Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI)


Learning difficulty is also referred as learning disorder or learning disability. From time to time every child has trouble with his/her homework, when a certain area of learning is consistently problematic, it might be indication of learning disorder. When children do not keep up with their curriculum at school or demonstrate behavioral problems, they may be facing learning difficult. Learning difficulty is an umbrella including many areas of functioning in which an individual has difficulty learning in typical manner. Children facing learning difficulty are usually brighter when compared with intelligence of an average student but due to internal problem; it becomes difficult for them to learn. There are various causes of learning impairments such as Accidents, problem during birth, heredity, or poverty (Waters & Grubb, 2004).

Parents instead to getting worries about learning difficulty, they should try to understand that every child learns in different way when compared to an average child. Having learning difficulty does not main an individual cannot learn. He/she just needs some help to make them work bit harder. In response to various learning difficulties Response to Intervention (RTI) programs are designed. In this paper we are going to discuss purpose, value, and characteristics of RTI program to a professional educational environment. In addition, we shall select an educational environment to modify including a plan of action to accommodate a response to intervention. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of RTI in education.

Part 1

Response to Intervention

RTI is a process that takes several steps to provide instruction and educational support to promote the success of children facing learning difficulty. It monitors individual progress of children and the results are used to make decisions on any further instruction and intervention. RTI is commonly used to address problems related to reading and mathematics but also be used in other areas (Cortiella, 2006). The RTI process is flexible and designed for school districts to meet the needs of their students. RTI is not a pre referral system, it is a data driven process used to improve math and reading achievement in an instructional system. It is not an individual teacher or a special education program but a system to provide instructional intervention upon the needs of students.

Value RTI program is not a magic. Problems would not immediately be solved with the implementation of this program but after seeing the framework of RTI experts observed that with proper implementation students can dramatically improve their performance since its instructions are scientifically based.

Purpose RTI is an instructional approach having two purposes such as it aims to provide early intervention services to students with learning disability; it helps them to improve their skills. Moreover, it an effective option available to teachers and parents that can be used to identify students with learning disability. In other words, the purpose of Response to intervention program is to provide safety net for at risk readers some of whom having learning ...
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