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Significance E-Retailing at Tesco for Business Growth

Significance E-Retailing at Tesco for Business Growth

Executive Summary

The aim of this research is to determine that how E-Retailing at Tesco has helped the company to increase and improve its growth. The aim of this research is to determine that how E-Retailing at Tesco has helped the company to increase and improve its growth. Similarly, we will also try to know that whether the E-Retailing has helped the Tesco in expanding its business. It was very important in the research to match the data collection tools to the research questions effectively because if it is not done properly than the research results will not be up to the mark. The data collection tools were applied in accordance with the research questions. The population included mostly the customers of the Tesco and the management of the Tesco. The customers were categorized into different groups. The first group consisted of those customers who were only associated with the Tesco when it started its E-Retailing. The research design plays an important role in any research. This research was also conducted considering the different steps of the research. In this research both the quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. Similarly, the data was gathered from both the primary and the secondary sources. From all of the qualitative and quantitative analysis we come to the conclusion that E-Retailing has helped the Tesco to expand its business. Similarly, it has also increased the profitability of the Tesco. Furthermore, E-Retailing has also proved to be profitable for the Tesco. I t has also facilitated the customers a lot; they can access and buy everything with relative ease. The E-Retailing has also helped the Tesco to gain competitive advantage over its customers. It has now overcome its customers due to the E-retailing and it is planning to further improve and enhance its E-Retailing.

Task 1……………………………………………………………………………….4


Aims & objectives of research……………………………………………………………...4

Research questions........................................................................................................4

Rationale for selection of this topic..............................................................................5

Critical Literature Review.............................................................................................5


Research Design……………………………………………………………………………..7

Research Action plan………………………………………………………………………..8

Data Collection and Recording…………………………………………………………...8

Task 2……………………………………………………………………………..10

Analysis and Results……………………………………………………………………….10

Task 3………………………………………………………………………………17

Interpretation of the Data Results...............................................................................17


Recommendations and Areas for Future considerations..............................................20

Task 4………………………………………………………………………………...21



Significance E-Retailing at Tesco for Business Growth

Task 1


With the advent of the technology most of the business has improved its processes. Similarly, E-commerce also got widespread fame and recognition. The internet was used by many companies to facilitate their customers and to gain competitive advantage over its customers. Tesco also started E-retailing in order to facilitate the customers and to grow and expand as a business. In this research we will try to find out that how the E-Retiling has been successful for the company and the customers as well and whether after the implementation of the E-Retailing the business for Tesco has shown growth or not.

Aims & objectives of research

The aim of this research is to determine that how E-Retailing at Tesco has helped the company to increase and improve its growth. Similarly, we will also try to know that whether the E-Retailing has helped the Tesco in expanding its business (Dennis, Merrilees, Jayawardhena ...
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