Religion Paper Assignment

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Religion Paper Assignment

Religion Paper Assignment

Multiple Choices

1. Someone inspired by God to speak was called a c. prophet

2. The sacred core of the Hebrew Bible is sometimes called the a. Pentateuch

3. The first king of Israel was d. Saul

4. Who conquered the northern kingdom? c. Assyrians

5. The Jewish Day of Atonement is- d. Yom Kippur

6. The gospel that is not one of the synoptics is d. John

7. The most Jewish in orientation of the gospels is a. Matthew

8. The first major church council was held in 325 C.E at a. Nicaea

9. The event that modernized the Roman Catholic Church was the c. Second Vatican Council

10. The Puritans and the Presbyterian Church stand within the tradition of d. Calvin

Short Answers

1. What are the two periods that subdivide the time after the destruction of the second Temple?

The first period began during the Common Era during the period after the destruction of the second temple. During this era, the powers of priests were ended and they were no longer able to make sacrificial rituals and the focus on the scriptures increased. The next period is called the Reform. This was a response to the European enlightenment and its aim was to make traditional Judaism modern.

2. Name the three sections of the Hebrew Bible and briefly describe the content of each.

The Torah is the first section of the Hebrew Bible. It contains stories about the creation of the world, Adam and Eve, the flood of Noah, and Moses. It includes several laws including the Ten Commandments. The second section is the 'Prophets' which includes the stories of the lives of people whom God assigned the task of speaking to the Jewish people on his behalf. The final part is called the 'Writings'. It includes reflections on life, poetry, proverbs, and short stories.

3. Describe the views of God in the two traditions in the Torah.

The body of the Torah can be divided into two traditions. The first tradition is the legal tradition in which God regards the people of Israel as his holy people and provides the ways by which these people should lead their lives. The second is the aggadic tradition containing non-legal writings. They contain teachings about the tradition of Judaism.

4. What is the meaning of covenant?

Covenant means an agreement, arrangement, contract, or pact. They may be divided into two categories. The first one is between people without referring to god and the second being those made with God.

5. How did the Passover festival get its name?

When Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from Egypt, God placed ten plagues upon the Egyptians. The last plague was that all the first born would die. In order to save the Israelites, God commanded them to sacrifice a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the door frames. When the angel of God would come to kill the first born, he would skip the houses that had the blood. This is how the Passover got his name (Stuart, ...