Reflective Paper

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Reflective Paper

Reflective Paper


Education is a wholesome learning process which stimulates and cultivates numerous personal traits, each of which contributes substantially to personal, professional, and socio-religious growth. The institution plays a pivotal role in establishing a link between the individual and the society around him. Alternatively, reflecting on the changes an individual goes through as education continues to shape distinct parts of his or her personality is an important part of the learning process. This reflection includes the lesson of patience - a crucial trait that assists all other forms of intellectual and spiritual growth. The trait of patience once learned also assists in professional development, as well as understanding and expounding on the word of the Lord. This paper critically analyzed my personal, professional, and socio-religious growth while attending the Anchorage Campus, Wayland Baptist University. Additionally, this paper critical critiqued the weaknesses and strengths of the Anchorage Campus. Lastly, this paper includes my personal and professional vision for the future.


Personal Growth

Three key areas of personal growth while attending the Anchorage Campus, Wayland Baptist University included effective time management, a boost in self-confidence, and finally evolution of communication skills. These skills proved to be a valuable asset in overall personal growth.

Time Management

The saying “work smarter, not harder” highlights the importance of time management. This skill is crucial to all those trying to maximize their efficiency since tasks today have evolved to become more demanding than previous times. The article “Time Management” underlines more than forty skills that encourage a meticulous focus on activities for which the returns are the greatest. It also encourages saving time so that an individual can work smarter and accomplish more, rather than working harder with poorly managed time. These techniques also allow an individual to combat work overload which is a recognized stimulant of stress ( My new organizational skills contribute to a happier social life due to efficient time management than before. They also allow me to manage my homework assignments and independent study - both of which are necessary in a fruitful education experience.

Self Confidence

Particular development occurred in public speaking as a part of greater overall self confidence than before. Professor of Philosophy and Religion J. Jeffrey Tillman, Ms. Mary M. Rydesky, and Ms. Penny Miller nurtured my self confidence and helped me to overcome my anxiety and fear of public speaking. It took a combined effort from the aforementioned professors as well as individual effort to overcome a deep-rooted fear of public speaking. A boost in self confidence facilitated the following area of communication in terms of personal growth as the two are not mutually exclusive.


Communication comprises active, critical, and content listening. Active listening ensures the communications of ideas and mutual understanding through paraphrasing or non-verbal communication. Its application is most valuable during conflicts as listening to the speaker is important in order to reply with a well thought of, critical response. Critical listening, alternatively known as evaluation judgmental listening, assesses the logical composition of a message and stimulates critical thought and logical deductions, for instance the motive ...
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