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The Impact of Recession4



Social Effects4

The Implementation of 3 “I” s of Economics- the Solution For Businesses5


Steps Required Bringing Innovation5


Low Cost Infrastructure Solutions7

Outsourcing Services7


Improvement Approach9


Pricing in Economic Recession9

Stock Levels Considerations10

Human Resource Considerations11

Promoting Entrepreneurial Culture11

Encouraging Development and Expansion12

Rational of the Solutions and Approaches12



Recession and Business


This paper discusses the impact of recession on the business. The solutions and recovery approaches are also highlighted.

Recession refers to the slowdown in the economy. The macroeconomic indicators during recession vary in various ways, for instance, the production, GDP, spending, investment, employment and business profits fall during the recession. However, unemployment and bankruptcy increases. Recession occurs when there is an increase in the spending following the decrease in supply or bursting of the economic bubble. Government cope with recession by employing the expansionary measures, and policies for instance, increase in government spending, decrease in taxation and increase in money supply. Recession is a part of business cycle, however, one business cycle can trigger the ongoing unfavourable events. The global recession of 2008 and 2009 brought unrest in the business community. A significant attention is given to the investment strategies in order to avoid financial downturn. The global recession severely affected the economy of many countries. The governments and businesses suffered great set-backs and various government policies were implemented to recover from this situation. However, Businesses can respond to the adverse affects of recession in the form of innovation, training and improvement in HR practices, efficient use of human intellect and improving the business infrastructure (Hughes, 2010, 220).

The recession and the financial crisis had a substantial effect on the households in the United Kingdom. The recession in the Untied Kingdom has now just lowered the rates of employees and increased unemployment, it have been impacting the households by a modest growth in the wages, by a limiting the access to borrowing, decrease in the prices of the houses and the equity market and recently, they have been impacted due to the increasing inflation, which have been corroded the actual power to spend their incomes

The Impact of Recession


One of the significant affects of recession is the unemployment. People face layoffs because the businesses are bound to reduce their operating costs. The low skilled labours and young hires are most vulnerable to unemployment. It takes almost 5 to 6 years for unemployment to obtain its original level. It creates issues with the business as the employment discrimination claims increase during recession (Hughes, 2010, 220).


Businesses face unproductively shock during the early stages of recession. It may also happen that gradually their productivity gets better if the weaker companies close. The recession brings pressure on cost reduction. There are many examples of mergers and acquisitions which took place as the result of lower productivity and financial crisis. The financially strong companies are in a better position to survive recession as compared to the others (Hughes, 2010, 222).

Social Effects

As the unemployment increases, it brings lower standard of living. The spending power of people goes down because of minimum ...
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