Reading Role Models

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Reading Role Models

Reading Role Models

It is very common to hear people saying, that it is very important for the children to have reading role models. The best reading role model for any child is their parents. They learn a lot from their parents during their early childhood. It even becomes very necessary for the children because they need a proper guidance in the initial years of life. However, after several years there are other people who become the reading role models in the kid's life. When the child goes to school, teachers become the second best reading role model because of their qualification, strong educational background and most importantly the reading skills. Apart from teachers, there are few other people as well such as the classmates, friends, relatives and even some famous personalities who later on become the reading role models in a person's life. The importance of reading role models will be discussed in details in the upcoming paragraphs. (Berthier, 1996)

The process of reading involves two distinct features which are very important that includes word identification and comprehension. It is well known among various people that the challenges in automatically detecting the significance of word greatly influence the ability of reader to comprehend the material in a proper way. Even small problems in the identification of word can make it difficult for the reader to properly understand the meaning of a particular sentence. This greatly affects the reading skill of a certain individual. There are various students in schools who are unable to read a specific sentence properly which then affects their performance in various subjects. This is where the need is created for proper development of techniques in order to improve the reading skills of a student. The student requires the assistance of a professional who can help him or her in overcoming the weaknesses in reading various materials. Lot of research has been carried as well in this area by some of the researchers to find proper solutions to these problems. One of the major solutions that have been proposed by the researchers is the proper training in this regard by the professionals who can play a vital role in assisting the students. This training proves to be quite useful for many students. After the completion of this training, these students are then able to properly read all kinds of material which they were unable to do before training. Normally, these trainers are the teachers of the schools where these children study or some specialists in various coaching centers or academies. Once the problem of these students gets resolved, these trainers become the reading role models for these students. This is the best example of the teachers who are the reading role models for their students. There are certain steps which are recommended by these trainers to the parents of the children who can provide assistance to their children in reading and can then become reading role models for ...
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