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In our lives, during the period of academic life and sometimes just for the sake of pleasure we read a lot of books. In a book there are various aspects that play their part in delivering the actual theme of the book to the readers. There are few chapters and aspects that leave an everlasting impact on us. The aim and purpose of this essay is also to undertake the discussion about the comparison and contrast of the different aspects of two different books.

Description about the Selected Books and Chapters

The books that are selected for the purpose of the discussion of this assignment are “No Logo”, by Naomi Klein and “When Corporations Rule the World”, by David C. Korten. From the first book that is the book of Klein two chapters are selected which are “Patriarchy gets funky” and “Alt. Everything”. From the second book the chapter that is selected is “Marketing the World”. The following part of the paper undertakes discussion to show the reaction towards these reading materials.

About the Authors

Naomi Klein, age 30, is a columnist with The Globe and Mail. Her award-winning feature articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Saturday Night, The New York Times, Village Voice, Ms., Elm Street, The Nation, This Magazine, and Toronto Life. For nearly five years she was a columnist for Canada's largest newspaper, The Toronto Star.

David C. Korten is president and founder of the People-Centred Development Forum, a global alliance dedicated to the creation of just, inclusive and sustainable societies through voluntary citizen action. He holds MBA and PhD degrees from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and is a former faculty member of the Harvard Graduate School of Business.


Although the three chapters that are mentioned above are taken from two different books but still there are certain factors on the basis of which these three chapters of two different books can be regarded as similar and there would also be some factors on the basis of which these three chapters of the two different books can be contrasted to each other.

The first point on the basis of which these three chapters written by Klein and Korten can be regarded as similar is main theme or the main topic of the chapters. All the three chapters that are mentioned above deal with some of the aspects of marketing. Marketing is a field that is getting more common day by day all over the world. Universities and business schools are producing a number of graduates each year. In this scenario, there are scores of books that are written by different authors. These two books are of immense importance from the perspective of practical implication. The element of practical implication is a factor that is common in all the three chapters of the two books. All the three chapters of the two books talk about practical implications by mentioning and discussing practical examples of promotional and advertising campaigns (Korten, 2001). There are scores of ...
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