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The short story 'A Rose for Emily' William Faulkner, is an extensive narrative prose that is centered on the presentation of fictional but plausible events. Presents a challenging and diverse world, and a story that can vary in space and time. Emily is a wilted “Southern Belle” whose life has faded beyond recognition as a rose fades without nutrients. Emily is a courageous woman, represented as a “Southern Belle” in the story. She faces all types of adversaries from the people, but she never lets herself let down and stands against the ill-standard norms of the society. She has fallen into disrepair just as her house has become a decaying shack. A woman who longed for a complete life filled with love and adventure, ended in a tragic death. Miss Emily slipped into a fog of depression and isolation when she realized her life would not continue with Homer as she had thought. Simply put, Miss Emily lost her sanity.Discussion

A Rose for Emily has a sober pathos with carefully calculated effects which strongly seduce and carry the reader step by step and address the clear and beautiful structure of revenge. One of the interesting techniques that Faulkner used to develop “A Rose for Emily” was his use of feminism and how it plays a decisive role in the development of the story (Brooks, 2007). In the 1930's, women's role in the southern culture is very different from modern day culture. Women had certain “rules” and “expectations” to meet according to society, and if they were not met, those women were considered an outcast (Howe, 1975). Emily is the perfect definition of the “outcast” of Jefferson. She fails to comply with the rules by shrugging off trying to maintain her social status as a mannerly woman, took no concern into the judgment of her relationship with Homer Barrons, and, most importantly, refuses to follow the town's modern changes and new laws.

The one inference that I made from the story is that the narrative relates to a process of communication by which an author creates characters to express ideas and emotions. The technique of art narrative, derived from the initial situation of "telling" Telling is to report incidents perpetrated by characters in a given space and time. There is a third person who is telling the story. It is common to distinguish between omniscient narrator and witness. In the first case, common in nineteenth century literature, the narrator knows everything about each character and judges their behavior, their feelings hidden, and so on. In the second case, in contrast , the narrator merely describes what he sees, but does not reflect on the events, the narrator often found in the literature. It uses the first person grammar. In this case there is identification between narrator and protagonist and the narrative takes on an autobiographical and subjective. It mixed the internal experiences of the protagonist with the events that triggered it.

As noted by the above definition, the story is basically ...
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