Ramifications Of Supporting Products Of A Country

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Ramifications of Supporting Products of a Country


That led to the dynamics two world wars and wars almost all seem to repeat: generation of hatred towards the culture of violence and Different exacerbation of militarism. To that end, as always, is complete extermination of millions of civilians and military life in short.

And whoever the enemy, real or invented, there is always a big deal for countries and companies engaged in the manufacture of weapons, which often provide military equipment to all sides in conflict, as illustrated by the fact that 70% of weapons being used in different wars are American made. If that was not enough, U.S. military budget has increased to reach 40% of world military spending in order to intervene militarily whenever, wherever and with the excuse that you see fit, without ruling out the use of nuclear weapons.

All U.S. military industry, very important economically, it has run at full capacity and need to sell these items as to not stop the chain from one of the most profitable businesses that exist. The faint reluctance of some leaders of other countries and the protests of many citizens from these dynamics do not appear to affect or worry about politicians and big companies only understand the language of money (Epping, pp. 129).

Now that the warmongers invaded Iraq is necessary to organize and extend other forms of struggle that directly affect the benefit of those who support the arms trade and profit from war.

In a world designed to consume, in which business and capital flows move in relation to the benefits they can get, citizens, consumers have a new way to influence business practices.

The act of eating should become a way of fighting, otherwise very difficult to combat. And you can do a lot with little effort. First start ourselves to be consistent and ethical, what sense does it go to a demonstration against the war every day and buy products from companies linked to the arms industry?

Let's spend some time, until it is an acquired habit, to select the products we buy: between two equal, choose a brand that has no ties to the wars, if there is no choice, consider alternative product but sometimes it means some more money. It is probably unrealistic to expect everyone to stop buying certain products, but for large corporations, the loss of only 10% of profits is a hard blow (Katz, pp. 57).

We select some companies that seem significant because of its size worldwide. But there are more and hope other people and groups to join this research, reporting and disclosure. It would also be necessary to place the trademarks of the different products that these companies have in the shops. As for U.S. companies in the list, and because of the war in Iraq, we have also made multinational companies without direct involvement in the arms industry, and we think it is necessary to affect all companies that have the capacity to influence the U.S. government to force it ...
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