Race And Racism

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Race and Racism

Race and Racism

Article 1


There has been a war of racism among the white and black people in Canada since many years. There has been discrimination among the European ethnic groups which were quite comparable with the French and the Britishers. They even had biasness in the levels of educational realization and labor market returns. The communities living in minorities have to face low income differentials and were limited to systematical levels of occupational and socio-economic integration.

An idealistic change occurs in the social and material life of the materialization of Canadian people facing the problem of ethno racial identity with the English speaking people and non-Aboriginal Canadians. The facts and figures prove that the back students in the Black high school are facing more ethno racial folk paradigm of social redistribution. A major matter of fact is being faced in the region of Toronto where college and university students are facing the discrimination hitch among the Afro Caribbean Canadians and the Canadians.

Although many studies still keep on arguing about the challenges faced by the Black Canadians in the education field and gender differences. The article summarizes its major components under the educational and gender differentials where the foremost studies are challenging claims in the existing sociological appraisal of racism and Canadian education (Johnson, 2007).

The dispute among the Afro Caribbean men and Canadian men has been very furious because it has been argued that black students are limited to many educational attainments and gain better jobs than the Canadians. The discrimination of racism rises due to black and white race discrimination and the reason to live in a minority state (Johnson, 2007).


The most common theme that has been highlighted in this article is the common racism act found in Canada among the Afro Canadian people and the Canadian. Many researchers have been claiming the incidence of institutional and universal racism in Canada that has been growing time by time as a categorical determinant of the discriminatory allocation of services in Canada.

It can be seen that by encouraging a critically reflexive research agenda, we are able to account for the multidimensional realities of racism in Canada. The concept of ethnicity, however, concerns the cultural traits. An ethnic group consists of a large number of people as a result of common cultural traits, considered by others and themselves as a cultural unit.

In a society, that is very easy to find minority groups. This consists of a group of people who for cultural or physical features, are distinct from the dominant group and treated unequally. More specifically, members of a minority group suffer from disadvantages for the benefit of another group, identified by the characteristics of the group, have a strong sense of identity, belong to that group because they are born, and marry only other members of the group. Although rare, it can happen that a minority group is larger in size, the dominant group (Satzewich, 2011).

Another aspect that is at the heart of racism is an ideology, a set of beliefs that ...
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