Qualitative Approach

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Qualitative Approach

Qualitative Approach


The research approach used is qualitative. Qualitative research is much more subjective than quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. As already mentioned, this study chooses the secondary method, the nature of this type of research remains exploratory. The basic methodology followed particularly for the medical researches is the systematic review of literature with the help of meta-analytic techniques. This serve as the basis for this research too as this would enable is finding better results and interventions for the patients of mental health disorders and the discrimination they face in the society. The results of past researches will be evaluated on uniform criteria for inclusion and exclusion which will result into better recommendations and conclusions of this paper.

This type of research is often less costly than surveys and is extremely effective in acquiring information. It is often the method of choice in instances where quantitative measurement is not required. For the purpose of evaluation, the CASP model has been used. All the studies have been criticized on the bases of CASP criterion. The critical evaluation of the studies has been presented in Chapter 02, literature review. The most significant reason for the secondary research was the ease of access to secondary data sources.

The cost involved in secondary research is relatively low in comparison to the primary research. The research questions and objectives of this research are in accordance with format of secondary research and they could only be achieved by following the pattern of secondary research. The use of this research pattern will be helping in the alignment of large scale researches. The required information for the research might be available through the secondary sources.

Evaluation Model Design

This will help in effective elimination of the expense and need for carrying out primary research. In the case of research on mental health among young people and the stigma they face from the society, the details found about the previous primary researches showed that there will be numerous difficulties in collection of primary data and the potential of the information obtained will not be justifying the efforts and cost involved for conducting the primary research.

The pressing affirmed prerequisite for a mix program as a major aspect of healing facility require that all encompassing approach to behavioral social insurance program must be executed on instantaneous premise. The quick execution of system will be joined by persisting adjustments to arrange and strategies of the project at each one helping mental health administration.

Qualitative research, otherwise called qualitative request, is an umbrella term used to blanket a wide mixture of research strategies and approachs that furnish all encompassing, in-profundity accounts and endeavor to reflect the confounded, logical, intelligent, and interpretive nature of our social planet. Case in point, crushed hypothesis, ethnography, phenomenology, ethnomethodology, narratology, photovoice, and participatory movement research (Par) might all be incorporated under the qualitative mark, despite the fact that each of these distinct techniques is dependent upon ...
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