Public Policy Outcomes

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Public Policy Outcomes


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Construction of Constitutive and Operational Definitions

The defining process of variables relating the policy outcomes, has proved to be valid and a reliable measure. The variables of interest regarding the monitoring purpose are defined. The purpose of taking variable rather than constants is that variables are the characteristics that keep on changing while constants are always fixed. Therefore, considering the policy outcomes on variable basis yields possible outcomes. The exact definition of policy related variables is not possible; therefore, such variables are defined on the basis of constitutive and operational definitions [5].

Constitutive Definitions

The constitutive definition provides synonymous meanings to the variables rather than relating in to the operational processes of measuring the variable outcomes. Like, the creativity in a field is the constitutive aspect as it is imaginative and cannot be assessed via procedural measures [4].

Operational Definition

Operational definition provides the operational processes of actions rather than just providing the synonymous meanings of the outcome variables. These definitions enforce the inquiries of all the concepts. It provides a structure for measuring the development of the variables and their outcomes [4].

Defining the Outcome Variables

Following are the outcome variables related to the public policy to be defined on the basis of constitutive and operational basis,

Program Expenditure

Defining the constitutive and operational measures of the program expenditure related to the public policies carries immense significance. The programs include the educational and all other concerned with the manly needs in the society. All the programs have to be monitored at the government level and by certain private agencies. Therefore, the operational needs are of intense level regarding the managing of expenditures associated with the management of such programs. All the allocated and regulatory policies are included in the evaluation of the outcomes [2].

Health Services

The public policy related to the health services is taken as a binding force to recognize the actions relevant to the field. These services are regarded as programs like Medicare Programs. Constructing the operational definition for making the policies of public encompasses the procedural measures in relevant actions and conducts [1].

These policy outcomes are needed to be accumulated by combining the qualitative and quantitative measures regarding the health related issues of the country among the people. The content and the tracking progress need to be understood. The sources of data sets regarding the public health like, polling, tax revenue, and marketing data need to be treated as the measure of evaluating the variable of health services [1].


The actions regarding the outcome of the variable of pollution require the implication of constitutive definition at a lesser extent, together with defining the operational measures for this purpose. For implication of the laws related to the prevention of pollution, the Pollution Prevention Act is of immense significance. The constitutional aspects reveals that the polluting components should be regarded as dangerous towards the environmental conditions, thus affecting the health of the living bodies. Its operational construction provides the laws implication, and the processes of controlling the pollution whenever ...
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