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Cultural Psychology/Health Psychology

Cultural Psychology/Health Psychology


For the emphasis on the human environment (culture) in which a person is developed and the significant role given to actual social activity and sense (the specific context in which learning takes place in the given the representation and action, and in which the intellectual is related to the affective), the historical-cultural approach is a strong respect for education advocate. Vygotsky, for example, is a good basis for protecting the enrichment of the context, the adaptation against educational context existing. It also allows we to set starting points that support the need to change the common school approaches, the incardinate learning in a social-cultural context, by proposing a concept of 'activity' much deeper and richer than at first glance may think, to integrate social, emotional, intellectual and `practical ', etc..


The historical-cultural psychology (also known as' cultural 'or `cultural psychology') launched by Lev S. Vygotsky sees staff development as a cultural construct, which is done through socialization with adults in a given culture through shared social activities (Pressman & Cohen, 2005). To Vykotski "the human fact is produced by the joint activity and perpetuated and ensured by the social process of education, understood in a broad sense and not just on school models of recent history.

"In my opinion, social psychology is a discipline that considers the understanding and explanation of human behavior can not be done thoroughly by taking into account the contexts in which these behaviors develop. When we say context, we think both human contexts, the existence of others, and how other people influence our thoughts and our behavior in contexts that appear less clearly as the ecological settings, and contexts that seem more abstract but are equally as prégnants institutional contexts, the normative contexts, contexts (Bolger & Amarel, 2007). In fact any ideological line, every thought, is inserted into a context and we think to explain and possibly predict the order, since it is the ultimate ambition, we can not do that, taking account of these contexts, trying to identify the impact, with the idea that people are both produced by, and producers these contexts. That is to say that for me, social psychology is the fairest way of doing psychology. Well it's a bit pretentious but that's what we think.

Social psychology has been defined in several ways: as the study of the interaction social or individual behavior in society, or of the ...
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