Proposal For Group Practice

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Proposal for Group Practice


Need Statement4

Literature Review4

Rationale for Group5

Theoretical Framework6

Goals and Objectives7

Agency Sponsorship and Environment7

Recruitment of Participants- Women's Shelter8

Group Structure and Process9

Diversity Issues11

Ethical Considerations11

Rural Aspects12



Conclusion 13

References ………………………………………………………………………………………14

Proposal for Group Practice


At the present time, domestic violence is an invasive dilemma regardless of several intervention programs, community attempts and battered adult's support initiatives. Violence in the household not just affects the females who are mistreated by their partners but also children living with them. In reality, it has been observed that adult females are the main residents of battered female's shelter homes but around half of the residential centers of battered women's shelters in the USA are young children (National Network to End Domestic Violence, 2010). This dilemma argues for great attention and consideration towards their requirements.

Shelter homes and domestic violence service plans have created wide-ranging interventions for people who were exposed to a batterer's violence as a child and parents whose children's lives have been damaged by domestic violence. Social workers lack resources, guiding principle and data to cope with adult's needs that were exposed to a batterer's violence. This results in dissatisfaction and nuisance, and points towards several gaps that really need to be fulfilled by the government and social workers (Kitzmann., Gaylord N, Holt and Kenny, 2003). To fill this gap, this paper will attempt to propose a group practice program for elder people who were exposed to a batterer's violent behavior as a youngster and parents whose children's lives have been ruined by domestic violence in the house. The group is intended to seal some of these gaps and initiate practices that show potential in working towards the betterment of these sufferers.

Need Statement

With limited financial support and frequent staff turnover may cause difficulties in program implementation and makes it ineffective to cater sufferer's needs. This results in dissatisfaction and nuisance, and points towards several gaps that really need to be fulfilled by the government and social workers. To fill this gap, this paper will attempt to propose a group practice program for sufferers.

Literature Review

In accordance with the Nationwide League in opposition to Domestic Violence, domestic violent behavior is defined as the obstinate terrorization, bodily attack, battery, sexual attack, and/or other insulting performance carried out by a close spouse in opposition to another. It influences people in every society, despite the consequences of age factor, financial position, racial discrimination, religious conviction, ethnic group or learning milieu. Hostility in opposition to females is frequently attended by mental and psychologically insulting and scheming performance and is a prototype of authority and dominance. Domestic violence gives rise to bodily damage, emotional suffering, and from time to time loss of naïve life. The results can cross age groups and last a life span.

Mauling or rough treatment is an example of cruel and offensive power aimed at the injured party. It is learnt performance that can take account of bodily and sexual attack, vocal and mental exploitation, terrorization, dreadful conditions, dangers, and resentment. Other cases of ill-treatment can take account of disallowing admission to transport ...
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