Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


Project is a mission, undertaken to create a unique facility, product or service within the specified scope, quality, time and costs. Project can also be defined as organisation and performance of resources such as men, money, machinery, materials, space and technology into logical sequence of activities.

Most projects start with a need to have a new facility long before designers start designs and drawing of the projects and certainly before field construction work can commence. Elements of this phase include:

Conceptual analysis

Technical and feasibility studies and

Environmental impact reports.

Market is highly competitive and we are living in the era of Advertising and marketing. So many companies would like to sponsor matches. Lot of money can be generated through giving rights to the television channels for broadcasting of the matches. Not only this, sponsors are ready to pay money for their logos on the uniform of the cricketers. Money can be generated through the advertising hoardings on the ground boundary. There is no doubt that commercialization and glamour will draw more and more spectators to the Engineering project to watch their favorite cricketers in action as well as beautiful girls or cheer leaders.

After going through all these aspects we can conclude that building a Engineering project outside the megacity will be beneficial project not to the lovers only but as a profit making business also.


From conceptualization to implementation the stages in the development of construction project (here Engineering project) fall into broadly consistent patterns but time and degree of emphasis each project takes on its own a unique character.

An idea of a project passes through six phases before it become a reality:


Engineering and design




Operation and maintenance


Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project. A project organization will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. According to the Project Management Institute, the discipline of project management can be defined as follows:

''Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction''.

By contrast, the general management of business and industrial corporations assumes a broader outlook with greater continuity of operations. Nevertheless, there are sufficient similarities as well as differences between the two so that modern management techniques developed for general management may be adapted for project management.

The basic ingredients for a project management framework may be represented schematically in Figure -1. A working knowledge of general management and familiarity with the special knowledge domain related to the project are indispensable. Supporting disciplines such as computer science and decision science may also play an important role. The representation in Figure -1 reflects only the sources from which the project management framework evolves.

Figure 1:  Basic Ingredients in Project Management

Specifically, project management in construction encompasses a set of objectives which may be accomplished by implementing a series ...
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