Project Information

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Project Information

Project Management

Question 1: Effective Information Communication

There are a number of important factors in the [process of project management that need to be managed in a very effective way for the successful completion of a project. It is also very clear by the core definition of project management that its entire process is related to the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling resources for the achievement of a number of specific objectives. It is a fact that projects are required to be controlled and delivered under a number of constraints. These constraints in the current business environment involve time, cost, quality and the people involved in working on the different tasks involved in a project. It is very important to understand that these constraints that need to be managed are interrelated. The management and control of time, cost and the use of human resources while the completion of various tasks involved in a project reflect on the quality of a project (Artto, 2008). In addition to this, it has been studied throughout the course of history that communication is the lifeblood of an organization or a project. It is very important to understand that in a project where a number of people are working on several different tasks, effective and controlled communication among the people play a vital role in keeping the information intact about the activities regarding all the tasks involved in a project. There are a number of effective steps that could be involved in the communication strategy of a project for controlling the relevant information in an effective manner.

As far as the constraint of time is concerned, there are a number of activities that are very important to be communicated for effective definition of time and the assigning of specific tasks to the workforce involved in a project. Every activity should be defined very clearly with a correct timeline in which it could be completed to manage the time allotted for a project effectively. In addition to this, it is also very important to sequence the activities involved in a project in the right manner so that every activity follows the pother in a sequenced manner. The definition of activities and the right sequencing of activities are very important to be communicated to the workforce along with the allotted time (Analoui, 1989). This would enable the individuals involved in the project to manage their pace of working according to the allotted time for a given task.

A very important constraint involved in a project is the cost that would be incurred during the project. A very important communication responsibility of the project manager is to approximate the cost of the project based on a number of factors including labor wages, resources, and a number of influencing factors hat create variability in costs. A number of important tools are used for the approximation of cost which include cost contingency, risk management, indirect costs and cost escalation. The approximation of costs should also be communicated ...
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