Professional Journal Critiques

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Professional Journal Critiques

Professional Journal Critiques


Education for adult women is a very important and debatable topic in the modern society, and a great amount of social work has been done to promote education for adult women. The core focus of this paper will be to present a critique analysis on a professional journal relating to education for adult women. The article that has been selected for the analysis is “Effects of Welfare Reform on Education Acquisition of Adult Women” by Dhaval M. Dave, Hope Corman and Nancy E. Reichman. This article was published in the Journal of Labor Research in the year 2012. A brief discussion on the main findings and information analyzing its literature review is presented as follows.


The article that has been selected for analysis is “Effects of Welfare Reform on Education Acquisition of Adult Women” by Dhaval M. Dave, Hope Corman and Nancy E. Reichman. It has been observed that this article is a descriptive article that provides the readers information about welfare reform that promoted education acquisition for adult women. The main sections of this article are Introduction, in which researchers have introduced their concern for carrying out this research with few supporting researches that were conducted by prior authors. After the introduction section, the background of the study is given in which theoretical framework is explained in detail that is supported by several headings, hence most of the part of literature is given in the theoretical framework. The methodology developed for gathering data is given after the data section in which the researchers have used DDD framework. The result section is given indicating the analysis done of the data obtained. After the results, conclusion is given on the basis of results and literature review. This article has considered social cause of adult education, but the major ...
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