Political Figure

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Political Figure

Political Figure


The aim of this assignment is to apply a political ideology on the chosen political figure. The political figure that is chosen for carrying this assignment is the former President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. The political ideology that best fits Saddam Hussein is authoritarianism. This assignment would include discussion about how the liberal ideology fits the actions and policies of Saddam Hussein.


Authoritarianism refers to political philosophy in which political figures holds the ultimate power of decision making. These political figures are not restricted by any opposition, laws and constitution as they are absolute dictator. They oppose ideas such as freedom of the mass media, civil rights, free trade, private property and fair and free elections (Schatz & Rexach, 2002).

During the time of Saddam's leadership in Iraq, he kept the ultimate power of ruling the country in his own hands. He used to decide what should be done, how things should be done, why things should be done and when the things should be done. He did not give any authorities to his subordinates in the decision making process. Saddam Hussein is seen as a symbol of cruelty and autocracy in the region of Iraq (CNN News, 2006).

The political personality analysis of Saddam shows that he can be characterized as being the Middle East's madman. Saddam was belonged to a village where there was no concept of education. Saddam's family did not allow him to get education from outside the village. However, since he was an autocratic personality from his childhood. He confronted his family and left his house in mid night for getting education. The actions and policies that were planned and implemented by Saddam clearly show that he was a pure authoritarianism. During his reign of 34 years in running Iraq, he did what he thought was right. In 1970, he forced the Kurdish population to relocate themselves. In 1973, he made declaration of Ba'th party as representing all people of Iraq. He did not give freedom to the Kurds to remain neutral. He forced them to either support him or he would declare war against them (Jerrod, 2006).

The autocratic leadership style best suits the policies and actions of Saddam Hussein as he used to pass orders to his subordinates and the people of Iraq in his 34 years of region. He was a kind of political figure who used to force people to ...
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