Polio Eradication

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Polio Eradication In The Nothern Region Of Nigeria

Polio Eradication In The Nothern Region Of Nigeria

Patchwork 1

Description of Public Health Intervention

The underdeveloped country, Nigeria is extremely well known for measuring extreme and numerous healthy countenances which has adversely affected the people of the country. Globally, the main issue of polio has drastically changed the life of children, infants especially in Nigeria. The health care department of worldwide especially focused on eradicating the extreme percentages and ratios of Polio affected people that have worsened the life of affected victim. In Northern regions of Nigeria, the numerous victims have observed of Polio. The health care department has consistently worked for reducing or mostly emphasized on delineating this main health issue that have adversely affected the whole life of people. The disabilities in human have lessened and disturbed his personal psychology which can be highly observed in Nigeria due to excessive cases of polio. Public health experts evaluate the adverse effects of polio presence in the northern region of Nigeria and evaluate the disabilities of genetics in the human body. The health department of Nigeria have highly focused on determining the adopting the lifestyle of the community as well as family. For understanding these approaches, the health safety professionals have maintained some standards policies that provide highly quality of feasibility to health experts and nation people for understanding this effectiveness (Renne, 2010).

Target Group

For this research study, the team of researchers have critically enlightened four major countries where Polio issues were at the pinnacle. Fortunately three countries have reduced their polio level that was Pakistan, Chad and Afghanistan, but Nigeria has not reduced their polio issues after so many remedies. The target group has comprised of Nigerian northern region where the polio issues is at the pinnacle.


The main aim of this research study is to eradicate polio issues in the northern region of Nigeria and provide them high qualities of facilitation. The aim of this research study has circulated towards public health policy that helps the Nigerian northern region population to rid away from Polio issues(Jenkins et al., 2010, pp. 2360-2369).


The northern region of Nigeria has prevailed Polio issues that reduce that deteriorated their health systems. Especially the children are who faced disabilities issues and depressed due to their physical condition. For this study, the main aim is to implement robust method that helps to eradicate polio issue in the northern region of Nigeria. The method has based on public health policies that help to reduce health disparities in the targeted population of Nigeria.

Impact and Outcomes of the Intervention and Model of Intervention

To eradicate the polio issue in the northern region of Nigeria, the public health workers need to focus some strategies that help them to eradicate this issue in a systematic process. Public health policies must effectual for them because these developed theories, concepts or ideologies have emerging approaches that help the public health workers to work against this serious health ...
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