Persuasive Draft

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Persuasive Draft

Persuasive Draft

Topic: Can Education, to an extent, will help eradicate some forms of racism and create a more understanding and susceptibly equal society?


Today, many people believe that racism is eliminated globally, but this is far from the truth. As an American society, we love to pretend, but we are ignorant. Americans believe in the purity and the virtue of this country. We believe that racism is the idea of the past, and we are an ideal and leading model in eradicating racism globally. We have an African-American president, we have legalized inter-racial marriages. We follow the American dream which is that anyone regardless of any race or color can do anything and achieve anything. But still racism runs wildly and rampant though the suburban and urban society. This cause the racial issues to boost up and it raises questions that have we really come out from the days of Slavery?

These problems regarding racism can be seen daily in the newspapers through police force violence against the minorities (Case of Chicago), the separation and segregation of urban communities in the big cities, heated arguments on immigration control. Author Michelle Alexander, in “the New Jim Crow”, discusses that racism is not eliminated instead it has shifted forms from overt to covert method and now runs deep into the justice system.

This is just a summary of the huge list of issues regarding racism. The debate is how to finish such a timeless aspect. The solution is Education. Education to a large extent will help in eliminating some types of racism and will help establish a more susceptible, just and understanding society.


In a sense, racism can never be eliminated because since we are born we notice the differences. An argument may appear that its just only a recognition of a distinction between people, constituting racism. We judge people on their appearances, their skin, their accent or any other physical trait. Park argued this topic in his piece, “The nature of race Relations”. He highlights the example of Brazil; racism is a subdued phenomenon arises because of the “color-blindness” of the population.

Education is the best solution for this racism problem. Famous scholars and philosophers from Burke to Plato, from Dewey to Kantall signify a strong link of education to racism. They believed that the key to sustain and build a just and thriving society is education. So why should not ...
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