Personal World View

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Personal World View

Personal World View

Personality Development Process (Structure and Functions of Personality)

In my opinion the basic nature of a human being is the result of the childhood experiences. The surroundings, cultures and the experiences are the main factors that create the nature and personality of a human being. I feel that heredity and the social environment is also another important factor behind the personality development of a human being. It is my common observation that the children who do not get confidence from their families and are told that they are weak and do not have abilities to be successful have weaker personality, as compared to the students having a strong family background who appraise and give them confidence. Thus, behind the development of a personality of a person the contribution of the family members matter a lot.

I feel that the structure and functions of personality are the depiction of the ways through which we actively pattern the experiences. The needs, attitudes and the traits are the main contributors behind the formation of structures and functions of the personality of a human being. I believe that the family background plays a very important role behind the creation of the structure and functions of the personality. It is my observation that the individuals with other siblings are more outgoing and confident. They have the ability to adapt any kind of culture easily. As compared to them the individuals who are the only child of their parents tend to be shy in nature and they do not feel comfortable while going out and getting adjust in the new environment. Personality is a process rather than being an entity. Therefore, the structures and functions of the personality mainly depend on the experiences which we examine.

Role of Environment

I believe that there is a great role of the environment behind the personality development. The different environmental factors having an influence on the development of my personality are the culture in which I have brought up, the early conditioning which I have received in my childhood, the norms and values of my family, the social circle in which I have spent most of my time including my friends and the social groups, and the other environmental experiences like the community and the schooling. Thus, I can easily say that the environment has played a significant role in the development of my personality.

Since the age of 13, I have made different struggles with my weight. These issues were mainly related to my household. I have been brought up in a family following the morals and values. My father was a popular Pastor and everyone has taken our family as a loving family. Since my childhood I have been under the huge influence of religion. Thus, since my childhood I have been under the influence of Bible. The family I belonged to was full of religious rituals and values. Since my childhood I had read Bible and we used to go to Church 4 times a ...
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