Personal Reflection Paper

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Personal Reflection Paper

Personal Reflection Paper


At some point of life, we all compare ourselves to others and judge ourselves on the basis of observations. It is not good to compare ourselves to others as it always end up in judging. Actually the problem is that we never compare ourselves with others who are less fortunate and we are more blessed than them but instead we compare ourselves to those people who are at higher positions and are doing more. To some extend it is good as it energizes us and makes us do more to compete with others but it makes life more difficult, complex and stressed (Derian, 2013).


How to Stop Invidious Comparison?

The main thing about a comparison is that there is never a win. Our minds need to know that we actually fit into the scheme of things.

So, for this purpose, still of training my mind to stop comparing me with others, I try to redirect the comparison to a past and a present self. What I am today is the result of decisions I made yesterday. We all are always in a state of recreation and expansion. It is human nature. So, when I catch myself comparing me with others, I stop for a moment and redirect my thoughts. Instead of comparing myself to others, I usually ask myself some questions. I ask myself about the things that I am doing these days but was not able to do in last few years. It is also effective to ask myself about the decisions that are newly made and the recently taken actions that have directed me towards new direction. I even ask myself about my achievements as compare to the last year. I order to stop invidious comparison; I evaluate different aspects of my personality and ask myself about the positive ideas that influence me to engage in good things and negative ideas that involve me in bad things. I make my focus on the things that can be implemented so that I can have a better and improved version of myself. This is beneficial otherwise comparing ourselves with others is a very irrelevant and inaccurate measuring instrument. We all have different intentions and we all go through different experiences. The only masterful thing we can do with ourselves is to work with ourselves in order to improve our personalities instead of comparing ourselves with others (Derian, 2013).

Current Strategies to Avoid Vicarious Traumatization

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