Performance Management Case Study

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Performance Management Case Study

Performance Management Case Study


The employee performance evaluation mechanism is a procedure that involves a combination of oral and written elements where the management is responsible to provide appropriate mechanisms for the employee feedback. The evaluation process in the context of professional organizations should be well documented so that the results can be referred to in future as well. These types of employee feedbacks greatly augment the different benchmarking levels and also act as a huge measure of employee motivation.

The engineer in this case is clearly not communicated the elements in the performance evaluation. He is under the impression that only personal elements would be taken into account which would ultimately go against him. Throughout the course of this paper we would look to decide upon a performance evaluation method that is highly suitable for both the parties. It has been observed that the engineer is against the process of performance evaluation because of the fact that his supervisor is making use of personal qualities while grading his performance.

Commonly Used Elements

The most commonly used sets of performance appraisal include the behaviours, traits and outcomes.


Behaviours constitute of the different types of conducts portrayed by the employees such as a can do attitude, meeting deadlines and fulfilling responsibilities gives a favorable perception to the employers (Aguinis, 2009).


The different traits can be expressed as the ability to take charge, embracing diversity in his work, highly motivated and organized shows that his personality is characterized by a set of positive traits (Lepsinger, & Lucia, 2009).


Outcomes are the features that ascertain the level of performance. They are the ultimate measures. Some employees are assessed on the grounds of certain traits such as physical appearance, postures, gestures, performance standards, benchmarks and the will to go for initiatives.

When the engineer's task outcome becomes impossible to assess, it is feasible for the manager to successfully analyze the level of task related behaviour exhibited by the engineer. In the case of ends getting precedence over means, the task outcomes become the most significant factor in the evaluation of performance of the employees. It is considered highly significant for engineer's futuristic growth to successfully develop their inner personality. That's the reason why managers today are focusing on the aspect of developing employees in order to transform them into precious and productive assets for the organization.

The manager while assessing the performance ...
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