Performance Appraisal System

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Performance Appraisal System

Performance Appraisal System


Performance appraisal system is one of the tools that are increasingly being utilized by the organizations for human resource management. This paper aims to discuss the purpose of the performance appraisal system and the requirements of an effective performance appraisal system. It then proposes a performance appraisal system keeping in consideration the requirements of an effective performance appraisal system. In the end, the paper describes some limitations of the performance appraisal system.


The position under consideration is of a sales manager in a pharmaceutical company. The key responsibilities of the sales manager include achieving gainful outcomes by the product sales reps by creating the group through motivation, guidance, developing abilities and skills and product information growth. Sales manager is responsible to manage the product sales management function, functional performance accounting, optimizing procedures and methods wherever achievable, and suggesting senior management regarding capitalizing on associations of the organization and generating an atmosphere where client support can prosper. Sales manager is also in charge for supervising the product sales reps teams, creating a company proposal taking into account the product sales, expense and revenue measures, meeting approved deadlines and goals, and endorsing the existence and image of organization.

The sales manager also has to make sure that all salespersons' actions are in conformity with the guiding principles of the compulsory code of conduct required as prescribed by the country's law for medicine. The responsibilities carry on with the examination and supervision of the performance and activities of the sales reps by setting up a mechanism of reviews and interactions incorporating product sales reviews, recurring product sales conferences, product sales bulletins and electronic newsletters. Sales manager also has to individually watch the activities and results of the medical representatives in the field regularly. Another key responsibility is to offer high quality incessant training for the medical and sales representatives so that they have adequate healthcare and specialized information to deliver information regarding the products of the company in a precise and unbiased way.

Theoretical Framework

Performance of a business and its ensuing effectiveness and efficiency can only be obtained when the employees of the organization are consistently analyzed, evaluated and appraised for their performances. The incapability of organizations to put into practice a valuable mechanism performance appraisal has restricted them from getting competitive benefits which they need more at the present as compared to the previous times. Performance appraisal systems are mostly not organized and habitual and time and again recognized by individual impacts circumstanced by obsession of the companies and businesses to bring into play secret appraisal systems which prevent equity, fairness and attainment of original purpose (Obisi, 2011).

Performance appraisal or feedback system allows an individual to know where he or she stands in terms of performance. It also provides a direction to employees in terms of where they have to move. Performance appraisal system enhances creativity in the work of the employees (De Stobbeleir, 2011). The purposes or rationales behind carrying out a performance appraisal system are ...
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