Organizational Management And Operations Paper

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Organizational Management and Operations Paper

Organizational Management and Operations Paper


There are many functions of a police agency or administration. Among these functions some of the main and common ones are avoiding and keeping control on the behavior and conduct that threatens life and property of the individuals of the state, assisting the ones in danger and also maintain proper security in the society. Police agencies also help and take care of the ones who do not care about themselves such as the individuals who are drug addict, mentally ill, and disabled physically. These agencies differ depending upon their level whether it is federal, local or state level.

The federal police are in charge of the issues that have an impact on the whole country for instance, terrorism and crimes happening these days. On the other hand the state has the responsibility of maintain public security and safety, investigation of the crimes and criminals and public relations. However, local agencies responsibility is daily watch on the community, provides emergency services, and keeps the records, arresting adults and children, providing public information to the citizens and good community relations. All these three police agencies share almost the same functions (Cox & Wade, 1997). The only difference is that they have some jurisdictions that impact certain things such as, staff, funds, assistance and operations. If the police agency functions were restricted to communities only, then there would have been an increase in crime rate because only a handful of local police or community agencies are not outfitted to handle certain issues.


An integral part of the criminal justice system is the police component that incorporates policing, courts and corrections and these are the primary level that generates criminal arrests, prosecutions, crime related activities and also safeguards peace. This paper is also about the criminal justice system's policing function and will also identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at three different levels that is local, state and federal organizational levels. The policing functions change between the levels, or conglomerations in law requirement. The conglomerations and levels incorporate the local, state, and federal police capacities. The views fluctuate between local, state, and federal on the grounds that every screen a mixture, and purview allocated to he or she (Harnad, 1992). The police functions in different credits to ensure, and serve the individuals; the policing capacities existent through different conglomerations to keep securing, and serving the individuals, and the nation.

In order to be an effective and efficient law or police enforcement officer, one must understand where the law enforcement actually has been and where the society thinks they are and what will happen in the future. For society to carry on a policing effectiveness, they should understand the leadership aspects that are linked with employees' management and equipment at all the level of law enforcement. Peace should be maintained whether the local or national levels are in need of terrific resources and a highly inborn leadership base. Characterizing law requirement proficiency additionally presupposes recognizing offices that work ...
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