Organizational Culture In Relation To Human Resource

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Organizational culture in relation to human resource

Organizational culture in relation to human resource


Organization culture

The term organization culture refers to "a system of shared meaning among its members that distinguishes one organization from the other" (Kavanagh, & Ashkanasy, 2006). In simple terms, this culture based on the ethics, ideas and philosophy shared by managers and members of an institution, and the set of procedures and behaviors that support those principles. The emergence of a specific culture in an organization is given from the existence of an original group that lived enough experience to reach a shared vision, which is the heritage of the institution, and then for years, diffuses consciously, but also carried by inertia.

The culture of an organization is a concept derived from the intersection of two theories: the culture and the organization. If culture is understood as a shared set of beliefs and symbols, the organization is seen as the network of meanings and images more or less shared by the staff. The field of organizational culture has been the subject of study and development for decade. The different definitions express the positions of the scholars, but above all, establish the elements that shape and make up the field of organizational culture.

According to (Kang et al, 2007), the first of which addressed the theme; "every organization creates its own culture or climate, with its own taboos, customs and styles. The climate or culture of the system reflects the norms and values ??of the formal system and its reinterpretation in the informal system. It also reflects the internal and external pressures of the types of people the organization attracts, their work processes and physical distribution of the modes of communication and the exercise of authority within the system.

On the other hand, the culture of a company is expressed by symbols, languages, rituals, myths, that are created and disseminated by some managers to influence the behavior of members of the company. (KANE, 2006) agreed but explained culture of a group to the set of norms and values ??that determine their preferences for a particular type of behavior. Organizational culture determines how an institution works and manifests itself through meaningful conduct of its members and through a set of management practices and supervision. A well-defined and strong organizational culture is a powerful influence that allows members of the institution feel good, and that helps them work better.

The values ??and norms of an organization influence the way of life of its members. It is proven that individual behavior depends on the interaction between personal characteristics and the surrounding environment: organizational culture can enhance, but also limit the development of individuals and the institution itself (Alavi et al, 2006). The culture of an organization enables management to accomplish various important functions that are listed as follows.

Communicate logic of uniqueness to employees and members associated with the organization

Smooth the progress of achieving bigger than personal goals

Enhance the strength and features of organization system

Culture has a positive impact in shaping ...
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