Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


The Research was conducted by the Thobaben over the symptoms and the interventions of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in 2012. The research focuses over the different symptoms of the obsessive Compulsive disorder and offers some interventions to this disorder. The research defines the Obsessive compulsive disorder as chronic mental illness that affects the person's thoughts and actions. This disorder is a combination of psychological, genetic and biological factors. This disease is normally regarded as distressing obsessive thoughts, and fear or repetitive compulsive actions that are done to reduce anxiety and stress. However, this is not done to get pleasure and gratification (Thobaben, 2012). Obsessions are the fearful thoughts such as the thought of accident that provided harm, thought of contamination. However, compulsion is the repetitive acts done in order to reduce the stress and anxiety. These acts include washing, cleaning and driving etc.

The research conducted by the Fineberg, and his colleagues focuses over the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder using the pharmacotherapy. The research defines the obsessive compulsive disorder as a neuropsychiatric disorder having significant degree of disability and poor quality of life. Pharmacotherapy can be effectively used to fight against this disorder. OCD is an illness that remains throughout the life span of human, and this was considered to be untreatable before 1960. From years OCD is poorly and diagnosed and always undertreated. Average duration of untreated OCD ranges to almost 17 years. The research focuses over the different questions raised regarding the pharmacological treatment of OCD. This includes the duration, continuation, effects and management of pharmacotherapy to treat the OCD victims (Fineberg, et.al, 2013).

Another research was carried out by the Benito and his colleagues in 2011 to access the obsessive compulsive disorder. They reviewed this disorder and suggested the future directions and the work that must e carried out to prevent this disorder. The research shows that OCD is a disorder that is never recognized and treated properly. Hence the researcher thinks that this order must be properly diagnosed and must be intervened with proper treatment (Benito, et.al, 2011).

Methods used for research

The methods used by Thobaben in determining the symptoms and interventions were the previous researches done over the obsessive compulsive disorder. The research was conducted among the clients having the problem of obsessive compulsive disorder. The research also includes the statistics of the people in America facing this problem, it have also used the data regarding the famous personalities in the history of America who faced these problems (Thobaben, 2012).

The research conducted by Fineberg have reviewed the evidence that was available that included the strategies for the pharmacological treatment to cure OCD. The electronic databases having the information regarding the obsessive compulsive disorder were reviewed. The published journals and were also reviewed in order to layout the proper intervention of OCD using pharmacotherapy (Fineberg, et.al, 2013).

The research conducted by Benito has used different methods to access the current techniques used for the diagnosis of OCD that included the underlying standard of ...
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