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This paper will bring into fore the healthcare Reforms that were brought into fore by Barrack Obama. The paper will discuss how different sources of the media played its part in the setting of the agenda as well as the framing of the thoughts of the general public about the process. The most common perception about that bill was that the media over sold the bill and it was not that prolific as it was made out to be at the initial level. The paper will discuss how media plays its role in the formation of the opinion.

Research Questions

What was the role of media in the determination of the opinion when one talks about the formation of the opinion and how it can be taken into the consideration?

How did the Television played its part in formation of the opinion of the general public when it comes to the Obama Healthcare reform?

What was the role of print media and newspapers when it comes to giving some attention to the new healthcare Bill?

Was media biased when it comes to the coverage of the Bill?

Difference between TV and Newspaper

The common perception is that TV is a lot more better medium when it coems to the accumulation of the information. There are many reasons to support this argument. The basic rational that is given most of the times, the content of the TV is lot easier to understand. At the other hand, it is also much more convenient as compared to some of the other mediums that are commonly used in news and media reporting. For instance, if a certain person is in the rush in the morning and he wants to know what is happening in the city at the moment what he will do is that he will log into the television and try to extract information about what is needed to be done. When there are such circumstances, it is better that one switches on the television rather than looking at what is happening in the newspaper and read out the whole thing. Another reason that can be presented is that when it comes to the contents of the online reporting, the reporters are present 24/7 and this is where they can get the latest information. The TV with the advancement of the technology, is seen to be present everywhere these days, for instance, the television has integrated into out I phones and our I pads, It is also available on our desktop computer and with the advent of the social media, lot of interaction among people about news is coming from what they have seen in TV. Thus in some manners, it can be seen that Television makes us the part of the value delivery system.

On the other hand, sometimes the treatment of the subject and the way news is being treated is most of the times ignored when it comes to television. What the television does is that it tries to bring the news in that instant ...