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Two Myths of different cultures

Ancient Egypt

Before 250, years, an Egypt was a region with green grassland (Big myth). In 25,000 BC, some climatic changes curved the Egypt into a barren region. Many people were died in that incident only few were survived, and hunting, fishing and agriculture was their food. In Egyptian Pantheon, there were many Gods and Goddess (Big myth). In 3100 BC, King Menes built a kingdom by joining the two parts of Egypt. The Dynasty that he developed, are now known as “Archaic Period”. Egypt rapidly developed into a well organized and centralized kingdom. The great pyramids of the 4th dynasty were constructed in this time (2575-2465 BC). The new kingdom internally was very well stable and extended rapidly. Ancient Egypt and its culture had a fabulous impact on the Western World.


The Zulu, an African tribe of three million of Zulus, lives in the Natal province of South Africa. This place is called Zululand and has a very warm climate. Zulus rely on agriculture for food production, especially raising cattle and planting millets. They built their huts in a shape of bee hives, and they arrange their villages in a circle. The cattle of the Zulus are placed in a center of their village. In 1800, Zulus ruled a large part of southern Africa, later in 1879 they were defeated by the British.

Creators and the elements of the world

Egyptian Pantheon

Atum was the first and the important God who created himself (Hill, 2010). He is also known as Tem or Temu. He was neither a male nor female. He created his son by spitting out from his mouth and named him as Shu (God of air), and his daughter by vomiting her and named her Tefnut (Goddess of moisture). They were given a task of separating Chaos of stability, law and order called Maat. Later, Shu and Tefnut give birth to twins as Geb (God of earth) and Nut (Sky), and then Shu separated Geb and Nut from each other. Then Geb and Nut created five children, namely: Osiris (God of goodness and justice), Horous (sky God), Seth (God of evil), Isis (queen of Gods) and Nepthys (Goddess of dead). Nepthys was a female and later she married to Seth, Isis was sometimes considered as a wife of Horous and sometimes a mother (Hill, 2010).

Zulu Pantheon

Long ago, when there was no human or ...
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