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The history of mankind is characterized by movement and continuous creation of networks and weaves between people from different geographical contexts. The cultures, in fact, frequently change and individuals actively interpret their traditions renewing them in order to manage the changes that relationships with others that inevitably entail.

Today we live in a time of globalization where the world is growing in both aspects, economically and culturally. This advancement has led the to the multiculturalism all around the world making the diverse people come and live together. Multiculturalism deals with ethnic diversity in communities, where people belong to different cultures and background (Modood,2007, p.44) . As the multiculturalism is transforming and has an increasing trend that follows social, political and economical changes, the governments should be careful in this regard. It is important that the government should consider the minority population when making policies and addressing to the population, thus adapting and accepting the cultural cohesion.


It is important to understand what Multiculturalism is and how is it affecting the world. To understand multiculturalism better, the term should be assessed and some implications should be highlighted in order to deal with such increasing trend. Multiculturalism can be seen from many perspective and face criticism. The analysis will outline different perspective. The government has vital role to play to deal with these cultural and heritage diversities so that stability and unity can be maintained under democracy.

Outline and Understanding of Multiculturalism

Some considerations can help us to critically use this term. Every culture can said to be multicultural. This is because it can be found in sediments from different places and from different people. For example, Christianity is a significant element in the construction of the Italian and European, but it must be remembered that this religious teaching has roots in the Middle East, an area inhabited by a population predominantly Semitic. In US, Protestant churches have expanded to embrace Jews and Catholics, thus creating an image of 'judeo-christian' civilization (Modood, 2007, p.14).

Secondly, the term multiculturalism can indicate the coexistence between different language groups, cultural and religious who live in the same territorial space. Think of the alpine area of ??Italy, from east to west are different groups such as, for example, the Slovenian, Friulian, the cimbro, Ladin, the Tyrolean, Provencal, Occitan . An example is the minority arberesch in Calabria, Sicily and Basilicata. As for the religious dimension, we think of the Orthodox Christian or Jewish presence in Venice and Trieste, or the Lutheran Protestants in the areas of Alto Adige (Pedersen, 1999, Pp. 61-70).

In fact, if the border state is rigid, fluid is cultural; groups separated by border-state may have similar cultural practices, while others who live in the same state can have between them more differences than similarities. The memory cannot be bound by the ideology of nation-states but now more than ever you have to train yourself to recognize the diversity and dynamism of the elements that contribute to the formation of identities.

Third, every society is multicultural because different values coexist ...
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